Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Do you trust sources, especially Wikipedia, to truthfully promote China’s human rights acceptance?

i feel for her and the united states abosolutely needs to be better at taking care of people with mental issues.

it still doesn’t mean i should not push for equal opportunity.

You didn’t even read the article then, because it doesn’t say anything about China’s human rights acceptance towards LGBTQ+ people. Read it, it says they’re allowed to exist and aren’t persecuted (like in Russia) but they’re segregated away from traditional society and don’t have as many rights as other people in regards to jobs, marriage, etc. The US is pretty similar, we only just recently ruled on marriage and jobs. LGBTQ+ people are in Chinese media and “socially” acceptable for the most part, but their legal status is still to be determined.

Seems to me you’re upset that people don’t like hypocritical trash. Welcome up the real world bud.

just informing you. people get kicked out of restaurants for all kinds of stuff. like this huge guy comes in the restaurant with a revolver sticking out of the front of his pants. the waitress is like… eh, you cant have that in here. he’s like, oh and who’s gonna stop me. and he stands up and is like nearly 7 ft tall and the waitress is a short heavy set old woman. she looked up at him and said, i am. bigger than you have tried it buddy. he left. hahaha. some people. i just… lol

he was pretty darn sure his right to carry included freaking out all the customers and waitress who saw it. and he was at least partially right if he was licensed to conceal carry. i doubt police would’ve approved of him walking in there with it in full view.

Depends on the police, some don’t even care unless you’re threatening people.

restaurants are allowed to deny entrance for misconduct or actions.

not because you are born a certain way.

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oh i agree. you shouldnt be denied service just because you’re gay, nor be forced to do things against your will because your gay or anything else. for example, i’m rather indifferent about sex. it just isnt that important to me, but if someone tries to force me to do something related to sex, i’m gonna go full banshee mode. if you tried to force me to decorate a cake with an erect manhood on it, i’m gonna say no, i dont care what your sex life is like. you could be straight, and id have the same answer. it could be female private parts - same answer. and i reserve that right. to me, forcing people to do things related to sex, against their will, thats harrassment.

Ehh, theres that ol saying “timing is everything” and they sure do love to wear a lot of rainbows over there. So the forum logic makes some sense.

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I’ve been in the real world awhile now, thanks. I don’t think you can see your bias.

He has a habit of attacking other content creators then playing the victim if it blows up on him. He picked a fight with Asmongold and regretted it pretty quick LOL. He also attacks his viewers if they dare to disagree with him. He’s trash.

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Ahh Barthilas server. Some things never change.

I am playing it too on legendary difficulty as mage :sweat_smile:

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Hopefully one day you put the wiafu down and date a human

If it’s written well and fleshed out and not completely obnoxious and just for the sake of having a gay couple then i’m fine with it, it’d probably be cute if they did anything with it in SLands with the night warrior

Just who do you think you are!?

If I want to love my Waifu that’s my business.

So tired of you normies always judging us…

Fixed it for ya

There’s a gay night elf couple? That’s cool, don’t see a problem with that.

Just a normal guy reminding you that dating a pillow more than likely will be bad for your mental health in the long run

Pro tip - don’t ever believe what’s coming from China. The communitst party is expert in lying.

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