Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Is it? I mean if the business owner is a bigot and won’t hire someone for something superficial like race or sexual orientation, not only does he suck in life, but he’s a horrible business person and his business is doomed to fail.

Blockquote[quote=“Pitagriffin-thrall, post:724, topic:563724, full:true”]
None of this is correct. Please tell me where you “saw it.”


Vareesa and varian felt pretty natural if they had decided to move that forward

Running the Chicago marathon through Boystown (historically gay areas of the city) was really fun, but if I said any of that represents gay culture I’d feel a little weird. But, there was no one stopping people from expressing themselves in any way they wanted to.

I think there’s just an issue with exposure and communication, maybe.

I just explained what happened there. Either she didn’t go into detail as to why she didn’t have money for you, or you chose not to listen. Go back to my earlier post where I explained it. It’s like people who blame not getting into a university because the only programs they qualified for where ones set aside for minorities. It’s not that you are excluded, it’s that someone set up the program for someone else because those other people never have an opportunity in the first place.

Well in my country it can invite legal action.

Can I be a monster like in the movie Monsters, Inc.?

Nah, just move to CA. Your kind fits in well there.

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So tired of the overwhelming urge to respond to something because some trolls troll to get people to respond.

Irony points: I’m responding to a troll.


so i have to move away from my family to feel accepted. wow.

Take them with you.

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Or you can just remain miserable where you are.

If these protection laws had never been put into play in the first place, their business likely wouldn’t fail - because that would be the norm.

I see your logic, but I do think the world is better of with some basic human protections in it lol.

In America too. I was just trying to state that these types of things will take care of themselves.

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nah i’m gonna keep fighting for equal rights so less people who would say such a thing in earnest no longer exist.

and thank god there is less and less of you.

If they really want to fire or not hire someone they’ll find a way. One way or another.

No sentence that ever has “your kind” in it will ever merit any real consideration.

Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better, Darlin’.

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You sound a whole lot like the people you are claiming you fight against.

You better take a spot in the safe space.

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