Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

What happened to just walking down the street holding hands with your best bud?

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you are not a different species. we are all your people. :sparkling_heart:

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Imagine if there were actually other “people” like in wow.

Everyone might just explode.

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no they dont.
they hold thier girlfriends hands.
they put pictures of their wife on their desk at work.
they post pictures on instagram.
they make out on the subway.
they make out at bars.

no they do not.


Yeah but it’s not because you are white that you had to do that. There are plenty of minorities that dig through garbage since they were kids because they don’t have a lot of the same opportunities that we have. God forbid there should be a little bit of help designated for those who don’t get help any other way.

that misses the point that we are infact treated llike a different people.


Some do, others don’t.

Some people don’t like public displays of affection.

You said that like you’re not out here staning for Asmond. Pushing back on your agenda doesn’t make me a shill. It means I’m not letting people get away with a smear campaign when it’s clearly in service to your Classic-loving godhead.

I have seen it. You denied what was going on and I was merely pointing out that it was. Its ok if you disagree with some parts of their protests and agree that each group contains some amount of idiots. Not everyone who stands with them is some righteous visionary. Some are piggybacking on the movement to advance an agenda that is not in agreement with the movement itself. Thats all you had to say.

That’s because they don’t like it. Not because they fear losing their job. See the difference there?

i hate pda im one who perfers people doing that in their own time away from people.

Am I a monster for thinking that a business owner should be able to hire, not hire, or fire someone for any reason they choose? I mean they own the business.


it was precisely because i was white. the welfare office said cant help ya because you’re not a minority. i know, i was surprised.

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I mean they might if their boss is strict enough.

thats a choice and most people don’t
because why shoulld you not be able to show your love to another person WHO you love.

how weird would it be if you only showed your partner you loved them locked in your house. so weird.


Please show me where I did that.

Well…It’s a slippery slope

ok yes people do make that choice no making people agree with you or what not does the oposite it makes people not like you and hate you. the reality is when you force people do stuff or think stuff they will refuse and do the oposite.

because if they could many black, brown, asian, hispanic, gay, bi, trans people would be left out of work.

Trans people explicity have been victoms to this and they have often had to work in dangerous sex work because they cant get a normal job.

Its america no one should be denied work for being born the way they are.