Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

They spoke at Blizzcon…

I don’t care either way. Don’t ask don’t tell. Just live and let live.

Just sick of the whole these people are gay, yay, now my sexuality is validated because some fiction characters are also gay or whatever.

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Ah yes, because dont ask dont tell worked great in the 1900s : )


Too bad. Because it’s a good thing.

( Unless you’re the complete failure that is The Last of Us 2. )

Not sure why I need to know who some night elf is plugging in the bedroom. Straight or Gay, its so irrelevant to absolutely anything. The immaturity of one side like a 10yr old getting their way is pretty old though.


Do you really think they are going to be convinced they are wrong by some WoW Youtuber making a video about it? I sure don’t. They should probably be ignored and everyone else should move on. And no, I don’t think that ignoring these people who are upset about something in World of Warcraft will cause a second holocaust like Ralph is heralding.

Who cares?

More importantly it sure would be cool if there were a place to confine all this silly alpha talk.

I dream of days where harsh NDAs are placed on testers and influencer culture is recognized for the trash fire that it is. Maybe then the minutia of expansion content won’t be discussed to DEATH 5 months before it hits the live servers.


The punch line will be that they’re not actually gay because one is trans.

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lol funny they do that when it comes to teldrassil lol.

i wouldnt be surprised knowing europes past lol.

I mean, this is actually true. There are definitely groups who put a lot of pressure on major media outlets and entertainment industry leaders to include things that push a narrative.

To quote Thank You for Smoking “I don’t need to convince you - I need to convince them.”

People who don’t have an opinion on something, will listen to both sides, and if there is no push back they assume those things are true.

EU is underrated-bigoted because they don’t have pluralistic societies.

malfurion and tyranda are a annoying couple

man… this wasnt even a big mention about sexuality.
he referred to the man as his husband and kept pushing.
there was no monologue about being gay. there wasnt a huge drop. He casually mentioned he’s married.

B*tches will moan… and i say let them. I love seeing these snowflakes cry like sad little straight boys who didnt get their way.
Go live in your dry world where only people like you exist.

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I’m not sure who you are suggesting requires the information clarified. Most people will simply accept what Blizzard presents to them, they won’t require some third party to confirm it for them.

i think you underestimate the american people. we’re fiercely independent and believe in fairness and equality. we’re a bunch of goody two shoers, who empathize with heroic figures and would not sit idly by while gays were put in prison camps simply for being gay. who do ya think fought the na zis and commu nists. ya think that stuff just happened in an alternate dimension?

Well I guess we know why there weren’t any more Night Warriors. =p


That’s probably true.

TBH I didn’t know there was outrage (or any of that story) until I saw their video.

This thread is going stronk.