Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Yes but people disliking me doesnt mean much when I know what I am doing is right.

Many people hated daddy Taran Zhu too, because people hate being talked to like the children they are, they hate being called out on what they are doing.

So here’s an easier explanation you might understand:
The way I post is not there to convince anyone, I will at few times have genuine discussions with people that might have a chance to understanding some topic I am talking about, at other times I will have fun with a person i consider dumb and wrong for my personal entertainment because they clearly are not CAPABLE of understanding what I am saying.

Many topics require prior knowledge to be understood, and no I am not talking about something as basic as school subjects, I am talking about human behavior, sociology, observable human behavior, understanding of the world we live in.

-How will for example someone understand that there’s a white supremacist issue in the US when they repeatedly ignore all the signs of white racist people abusing their power and murdering non whites or minorities using the system? (Hell the orange one posted a red triangle which was a very well known symbol for political prisoners, there were a ton more examples of how he holds similar beliefs yet they are PURPOSEFULLY IGNORED)
-How will someone understand that representation in all media is required if they dont understand how societies function and how a dominant culture is formed by what is seen every day and is seen as the norm while everything else is seen as weird and negative and often discriminated against, without that quite basic knowledge of sociology they simply wont get it

And you see it is never as simple as explaining something like that to them, a person who doesnt want to believe white supremacy is an issue will ignore your facts and signs, they will try to misinterpret everything in order to keep believing what they believe in.

That is called a delusion, no matter how much you want them to understand reality they will avoid doing so, why? Because other core beliefs of theirs depend on denying the fact that white supremacy is a thing for example. Humans are a big building of beliefs and experiences, you cant take out an entire chunk out of it and expect the building to not collapse, that is why the human mind sadly has created delusions to defend itself from that happening which is a huge problem because people can go deeper and deeper into delusions.

That is why many times you will almost never see people completely abandon their core beliefs and restart from 0, there’s people who might do a literal 180, but the vast majority can only change through small renovations per room which takes months if not years of therapy…

How will you understand this if you do not understand if you dont understand how online cultures work? Again I am going back to my example which I explained in detail.

A site has its own hegemony aka dominant culture which is created by what most users see good and acceptable and what is seen as bad and unacceptable.
Cultures are not created based on logic or rational reasons most of the time, they are created based on norms, which was why for example slavery was considered a totes normal and cool thing to do. (Which also proves that the norm of any society is worthless and you shouldnt pay attention when you can think for yourself)
In the site mentioned the dominant culture is to hate on furries, to hate on minorities to hate on anything really, because the dominant culture is to be edgy and racist and also self hating. That means people who I view as weak and bad because they choose to adopt said behavior in THEIR ATTEMPT TO FIT IN AND BE PART OF A COMMUNITY are the majority, they are the majority anywhere so of course I am not gonna be liked by the majority.
Now let’s continue, if me for example an unapologetic gay furry who does not believe being gay or furry or proud of yourself is bad, I am the antithesis of their culture, I am rejecting their culture, I am on the right because there is nothing wrong with any of it but that doesnt mean they wont try to hate me, insult me with degrading comments or try to get me banned so they remove the antithesis to their culture.
SO here’s me, being on the right, and there’s the dominant culture being on the wrong. The dominant culture cannot be debated, it cannot be beaten through an argument because it would require their entire belief system to be rebuild from the ground up, therefore I have 0 chance of making them understand and change their dominant culture.
So what I am gonna do instead? I am going to consider most of these people bad and dumb and annoy them with being their anti culture for my own entertainment.

Now if you cant understand the above, of course you wont be able to understand my main point about it.

Again you dont seem to understand how a society works, the dominant culture will label things that are not the norm as bad and discrimination will be the result, by not adopting the dominant culture you choose to be the antithesis to their culture which means you should be ready for fights because you wont be accepted.
A hegemony demands you adopt the normal behavior or consequences are to come, if my goal was to fit in I would require to adopt those characteristics, thankfully I am not and unlike the vast majority of the human race, I do not adopt bs culture/norms etc

My attitude is the perfect tool of detecting who is worth my time and who is entertainment fodder.
Again I am not here to convince anyone.

Yes but it is not meant literally, it is meant to find out who will get defensive and who gets it.

Are the majority of people who support a racist status quo racist? No but they are complicit if they refuse to acknowledge it.

You are choosing to ignore them, many of them being genuine non trolls, this behavior does hurt some people who have to deal with so much hate, you are saying we should also ignore that and what? That doesnt fix the problem that such ppl exist.

And if you checked the wowhead article for example you would see it isnt just some ultra minority with 1-2 loud screaming homophobes, it is far far bigger

You are saying my attitude which also focuses on attacking such people and reminding them that they will get called out on being homophobes isnt the way to go, so I am assuming you have something, otherwise why not let me keep doing this?

Comment sections of articles, tweets, posts on LGBT and minority being added in any game show there’s a big group that does, so does many hate based youtubers like the neckbearding or some bald guy that keeps whining about all that, and those ppl do have many subs

Because it is the internet? This isnt real life where a non popular view is gonna get people run away from you, they can say whatever and get away with it, and if it hurts people they hate they are all for it.

Have you heard of the term dogwhistle? There are people who use those funny “memes” to push a certain hateful ideology slowly, if they get backlash they ll just say its a joke bro, but through time their goal is to desensitize people to racism homophobia etc through memes that only get more and more explicit in their purpose to the point people are laughing at a meme where a cop kills a black person because after all, it is just a joke bro.

All people who are uncomfortable leave, leaving the community to become infested by these people.

Absolutely irrelevant, systematic problems need systematic solutions, subtle racism or hatred of minorities wont be caught as easily doing that so you wont far more careful and systematic solutions.

Have you heard about black people found hanged on trees that past few weeks, i think it was 4-5 by now, any ideas who did it? we know what group of people did it and what beliefs they hold considering hanging is very known method used by said groups in the past
Their hateful beliefs are the problem and there is no systematic solution to fixing said people from having said hateful beleifs.

Again what you believe is irrelevant, how the world works is what matters and what needs to be fixed.

Many people also agree with that, the world is still a disaster though.

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I am not a huge fan of impersonating people, I just think it’s…rude.

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what video are you talking about? do you have a link?

I like dogs.

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Sorry, but I have better things to do than care about a video game romance. It’s just a video game. Seriously, who cares. It doesn’t matter.

Commenting on a Ralph post

That’s the thing, I have 0 interest in discussing things with people who have been far too influenced by certain cultures, upbringing etc.

Because for me, a respectable adult like me rejects what is wrong in their culture, upbringing etc and creates values based on their own personally created belief system where they are supposed to have their own personal reason for why they believe something instead of society/culture’s talking point, because that is the only way to know they have thought about it and havent simply brainlessly adopted it, a person who has adopted their culture with little thought is absolutely not gonna understand most of the things I say

Many things I say require to have that, if the person doesnt have that I have to completely remove all their culture/societal/upbringing influences and start replacing them with the ones that I have found and only then will they get what I am saying.

That obviously is impossible, because you simply cant expect the average person to accept beliefs and ideas that are the antithesis for their beliefs ideas without years of therapy.

Like literally, you cannot discuss things with them no matter how civilized you are, your only hope is to be friends with them for years and slowly influence them and lets be honest, neither of us would ever befriend a homophobe for years in hope he gets redeemed unless someone has some form of redeemer fetish.

That is why like I said I sometimes choose to have fun with people, I am writing this because you have a chance of understanding, the people i ignored though or b8ed do not which is why my attitude is very different based on who I reply to.

Also if I am to be honest, living rent free in the mind of my haters is pretty fun, you can see there’s certain specific posters who rly have a hate bone with me which i find hilarious and only makes me feel more on the right xd

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I stopped reading at this


I’m gay but I never heard about that movie before…

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That can easily change, for many Gen Z/millenials different sexualities are normal and not “unnatural/abnormal/aberrant”
Because many are close minded and their mind cant go past the norm they were raised it, doesnt mean it is impossible.

Boomers though, yeah they cant handle that

Sadly the solution is not as simple as waiting for the boomer to go

Its garbage from what I remember a bunch of poor people singing and dancing about not wanting to pay the rent to their crapshack

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while i admire your tenacity and depth of thought, i do believe you are ignoring one important point: we all share the same foibles. it isnt specific to any particular racial group. the tyranny of the mob has the same results, regardless. it cant afford to not stereotype, so it does, like you suggesting theres anything we can individually do about actual racists, particularly while you’ve stereotyped the entire culture - a precursor to racist belief.

No one cares what these people think. They’re entitled and self righteous to the point where it hurt their brand. I used to put up with their shilling for access to blizzard products and opportunities but it’s all too much for me so they’re dead to me now.

Yup. Blizz isn’t looking to champion a cause or anything, they just want the publicity

there’s levels of acceptance. for example, i am a david bowie fan. but i’m not bi. i have female friends who are gay. but i’m not gay. in fact, we play wow together every day. they accept me. i accept them. thats how it works.

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By their very definition they are unnatural/abnormal/aberrant. And Generation Z/millenials are hardly a bastion of acceptance regardless of what you have built up in your mind or seen in the media. Every generation in their youth tends to tack left and then move right as they age and gain wisdom. Generation Z and the Millenials are nothing new.

This hasn’t changed, and it won’t change because people don’t like what isn’t normal. Some are afraid, some just won’t like it and a few will be phobic about it, not like how the media and the children on social media throw around the word phobic but TRUE phobics.

I don’t know…the free sex crowd and liberal pot smoking generation of woodstock? I think they would disagree with you but who knows. Not a boomer so i can’t speak for them.

That’s because people will ALWAYS not like what is “unnatural/abnormal/aberrant”.

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This is great news, now that it’s cannon that nelfs can be gay we the players can make a choice and choose to be gay if we want our nelfs like that. Having more choices is always a great thing.

I would think it would be possible for any of the races to be gay, why wouldn’t they? Nature is not perfect and certainly Azeroth’s nature is not perfect.

Besides WoW is a story game, make the story the one you want it to be. If you want to be a gay character then knock yourself out, nothing wrong with that.


Ehh, to be honest, he’s an enjoyable character.

Much better then Khadgar or Magni.


Isn’t this contradictory what you say later then?

So you posting not to convince people and you make fun of people for not understanding you for… what?

In all honestly, i think you should do that. Debates should be encouraged.

I don’t know too much of the human behavior and such, it’s just not an area i wanted to focus in.

You’re actually gonna have to link or point out the stuff that is going on as you said and not just vaguely say “Oh the president did this… and etc”…

If your gonna point out racism, then actually make it easier for us to see and we will work together to stop it.

Well let me ask you a different question then. If you know how online cultures work, then why not just keep it to yourself? or just ignore all the people who say nasty stuff to you because you are those things?


Oh no, i understand perfectly everything you said there.

I don’t agree 100% (nor disagree 100%) with that notion that… if you were kicked out of the dominant culture, you have to think they are being dumb and think they can’t be debated with.

So in other words, your attitude serves nothing to the convero?

Why are you against people getting “defensive”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Again, do you want me to complain about them or silence them? Cause the two options here aren’t great either.

What solution you propose we do then? :man_shrugging:

This one here? :point_down:

I’m looking for the comments and …well:

  • some of them are glad for diversity/ idea.
  • some of them hate Blizzard retconing the lore.
  • Some of them dislike the idea or diversity.
  • some of them don’t seem to mind much (different form actively liking or disliking)…

Some of them are the silly comments that Tailisman or whatever his name is youtuber highlighted.

I noticed a lot of the comments on there are removed there. I’m guessing those are the comments you are referring too.

Ignoring people or Convincing people.

I suppose you can just ridicule people too, but people will just ignore that too.

Cause here’s the thing, if you ignore something… you take away it’s power. So i call you a fruitcake, you can just ignore that. You don’t have to take offense to that. Offense is taken, not given.

So Ralph, if ignoring, convincing and ridiculing is out of the question for you, then What do you propose we should do then?

And that “Big” group isn’t bigger then the majority of the normal people who doesn’t hate minorities.

So because it’s the internet, you must share what your opinions are?..

I mean, you literally have the choice to just not do it.

You do know people can just ignore the comment or mute your comment? I mean, isn’t that essentially running away from you?

looks back at the WoWHead article’s comments and notices a lot of them are removed and looks back at you.

Not really, had to google that one. Dog-whistle politics i’m assuming?

Well i’m glad you recognize the whole “it’s just a joke” defense is overplayed and trite. Especially since people use that to cover up their actual beliefs… or not actually own up to what they have said.

I think people can tell the difference when a joke crosses the line from light-hearted humor, or edgy humor to actually what you just said but afraid to say that you are being serious cause you know it’s an opinion/idea that people will dislike.

And i don’t know if you noticed, but edgy humor has been around since… ever. But i don’t think the person making those kinds of jokes actually do believe those, they just say it cause… the comedy is in the shock value because of how edgy it is.

And jokes, actual jokes that is… are… subjective. I’m not into the edgy humor that much, but i do laugh it a bit cause i find it absurd. Not because i actually believe the notion that person is trying to put forth, cause …it is a joke of coarse.

Subtle racism? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well your asking for 100% equality here across the board, which that’s just impossible.

I don’t keep up to date with news like that so no.

But now i do… sort of. i mean you didn’t give a place or anything, but okay.

Any ideas who did it?.. i don’t know, maybe you can tell me in the next part of the sentence? :confused:


Can i ask, who’s this we you speak of?

You said it needs to be fixed and i offered a solution in the previous comment, that i think it should be based on talent and skill, but you label that as “irrelevant”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We’ve known night elves can be gay since WotLK