Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Any of you two play Dying Light or Dead Rising Off the record and 3? :slight_smile:

I think I get you, I might have some bias here, but I do remember a poster who made me feel like this, and it was really infuriating lol. I guess I hope this is something he can learn from to handle discussions better in the future.

No, he can’t. He’s a troll mostly and doesn’t actually believe the trash he is spewing anyway.

The way I post specifically works well for me to weed out whenever someone is worth my time or not.
Some people prove to be able to understand or get my point so discussing with these people is ok and not a waste of time, some others will go full on defensive mode clearly showing their lack of understanding and often willing ignorance in my topic of discussion so my time would be wasted talking with them.

The fact that they often go full on personal insults and degrading comments only proves to me how they are not worthy of my time because they have a myriad of personal issues and wrong beliefs if they got annoyed by what I said. (Because a decent person wouldnt get annoyed to the point of going to ultra defensive mode and trying to personally attack me as much as possible)

Example, making the usual joke of Gamers TM hate women and minorities, a person who knows that there is a very loud group of gamers that get mad and rage over anykind of women and minorities in game wont get on the defensive, something who has chosen to ignore and pretend that big group doesnt matter or hurt anyone clearly cannot understand anything I am saying because in order to understand they need to not be ignorant of that above fact therefore I am not gonna take them seriously.

For those people I ll often just put them on ignore so I dont have to read their utterly moronic posts or have my fun with them by being as unapologetically me as possible which produces a lot of entertainment for mxd

I am honestly not going to convince a homophobe on the internet to stop being a homophobe on the internet because their beliefs arent based on reason or something you can point out. Yes you can redeem them if you place them on therapy for months or years but that is not my job and I am not gonna bother.

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I’d argue this-on the face of it-is not “forced inclusion” as the character is not a stereotype. The dialogue in question seems to be more of a passing mention as the focus of said dialogue is the nature of being the Night Warrior.

So yeah, while I think the lecturing is a bit too “try hard” (you have to be a fool not to expect that from T&E), he makes a valid point thus far.

Now, if he’s made to be overly effeminette, and makes a super huge deal out of it like the “GO’ELLLLLLLLLLL” trash and the Legion Tyrande overacting, then the “shoehorn crowd” can make annargument. But in that case, I would argue Blizzard simply cannot write deep and complex characters without making them characitures.

Of course most people didn’t, because most people are heterosexual.

Heterosexual people will look at aberrant sexual behavior as abnormal and un-natural. That won’t change no matter how folks want it too. And so they won’t appreciate non-heterosexual love/romance/sex in their stories or at the VERY LEAST are not interested in having it there.

I don’t really understand why people get upset at it, it has been around almost since the beginning of humanity and it is a self fixing thing. They don’t bother anyone or hurt anything and do their own thing. They don’t procreate and so it is usually the end of the DNA strand. There is nothing to be afraid of, live and let live.

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Why is the GD turning into a PvP battleground

likely people respond positively to romantic scenarios that are not very well written, if the people involved share their romantic interests. like selling products by using sex appeal. people who will buy something because the person selling it, appeals to them, often dont stop and ask themselves if the product’s commercial was well made. hehe

Don’t know whats worse. The mega fans who keep posting all his videos here.

Or the people who hate the guy like he murdered their family. Like relax.

You think “pandering to racism” was the issue in Germany? Jesus. It’s like you’re using a microscope without adjusting it

Mods are focused on getting Shadowlands feedback from the alpha forums to the devs.

So trolls like Ralph are having a field day. They’ll probably get some lengthy vacations soon.

Wreck it Ralph is at it again

When has GD not been a PvP battleground?

Taliesen is, and always has been, an entitled, petulant, hypocritical, condescending cry baby and I’d love it if I never saw his name or his terrible opinions ever again. He’s just the dirt worst.

Also, I don’t see why having a same sex couple in a game is a big deal. :woman_shrugging:


I think impersonating Blizzard employees in their videos is incredibly disrespectful to be honest

I mean I get your PoV, but I think it’s fair to let you know that it does come across as holier than thou. Like the best way to turn people against you is to accuse them of being [x]. Idk who is or isn’t [insert label here], but I think it’s been proven that as soon as someone ignites rage, the discussion stops being about understanding each other or finding common ground. Just look at that MM Hunter guy yesterday that was asking for baseline Bloodlust lmao. He had legit points, but he was being really accusatory and that got everyone riled up to the point that no one cared about his argument anymore.

Basically it turns into “me vs you” and any progress into the discussion will halt. Like LGBT issues is something that affects me as well, but when we approach discussions we gotto be realistic that everyone has different perspectives, upbringing, values, and cultures. So there is always going to be people who disagrees or has a counter-argument that they want to bring up, or just will not care (but will feel the need to post about it lmao). And usually all you can do is just provide facts and try to be as respectful as possible. I mean you can always get a dig or two in (this is the GD after all) but I think if you really want to advocate for change, then this is something to look into.

and it can also be as cut and dry as whether or not its something they’re interested in. john likes sunnyside up eggs, carl likes scrambled eggs. john will avoid the scramble on the menu and carl will avoid the sunnyside up. john isnt really interested in how scrambled eggs are made and carl isnt interested in how sunnyside up eggs are made. that’s pretty much what it ends up being. its extraneous data if you’re not interested, taking up brain real estate, so it better have something of interest to keep you engaged. its just human nature.

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It’s how kids base there life decisions these days. “Ok boomer” “eats tidepod”.

This is the level of stupid today.

I think his impersonation of an adult human being is even more egregious.