Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

You can’t say that when there are literal rotting corpses playing for the horde.

That’s how gross Gnomes are. They have elevated a rotting corpse to on par.

Who cares? ESO has had poofters in it from launch, but you don’t see them making a big deal out of it all the time like Wow players.

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Blizzard has said characters were gay before, purely for some likes on Twitter, but that doesn’t bother me.

As long as Blizzard doesn’t turn WoW into a giant sex scene for the news media, I don’t really care what they say about their characters.

lol holy shizz

poofter? a what?

I think it’s some kind of outlander

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but you’re right

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Just because you’ve failed to see something doesn’t mean it’s not there

Look back over the post you’ll see I’m not the only one saying this

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Do what makes you happy. I’ll crank this shot to 11 and we can generously touch our tips.

Maybe it’s things like these?

Like the topic went from Night Elves to WW2 Germany and it’s like gurrrl relax, let’s focus on the current topic. I kinda see it as him being really affected and passionate about defending this, but I can understand why it can piss others off because no one wants to be accused of being a bad person just because they disagree.

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So you DO know the actual (or if you will, primary/major) reason why people dislike you? :man_shrugging:

Look Ralph, when i know that people hate me or something, i’m not going to instantly go to “Oh it’s cause i’m a Staright Blue Male Night Elf and they hate me for that” I’m going to “oh it’s i was a jerk.” Heck, i actually received ingame mail cause that person think i was being a jerk to them.

I understand that places on the internet that has people who hates furries and gays, and i’m glad your still soldiering forward… But you do know what your doing by doing what you do.

i mean normally you, the general you, don't congratulate people for just going though the nasty parts of the internet,... but i digress.

Why would it seriously matter if your furry and gay?

Heck, isn’t furry just a werid online culture? I don’t hate it, it’s just werid. Which is okay by the by. I’m werid myself.

You can have your opinions, but i seriously think the attitude like that needs to just go. Because you are actually trying to convince people and you do actually believe the ideas your trying to put forth, and yet your using this attitude.

Also, for the latter part. Nobody wants you to become self-hating and etc. I mean embrace it all you want, just don’t be a jerk about it. There’s a thing called balance.

When you say all, you’re referring to whole quintity of a particular group or thing. 100% of something. Which in this case, 100% of whites, everybody who is white, all whites, every single white, etc.

You’re gonna have to actually point out any actual racism or anything racist that person done instead of just nebulously claiming without proofing it.

Can people be racists? sure. Are the majority of people are racists? No.

You don’t actually believe it’s a joke if you think it’s true…

The “loud” group is a minority and often to be crazy people that you don’t need to pay attention too.

Well what solution do you want me to propose that isn’t just silencing other people? :man_shrugging:

I can influence people to not do be racists or homophobes, but what if they don’t want to listen to me or just ignore me? What can i do that isn’t ignoring?

Should i just make a thread, complaining about a racist that i came across, every single one of them? I mean, sure, the greasy wheel gets the squeaker going, but most of the time, complaining about things just doesn’t work.

Gamers don’t have anything against LGBT or minority related.

Again, see GTA SA, Tomb Raider, and so many other games.

…I wasn’t talking about LGBT or anything in that.

And guess what the genuines one want?

I mean, lets really think about it. Why admit something like that, even if your genuine about it? Why would you want people to know about that? :man_shrugging:

There are people out there that does see the memes and actually think it’s that, but it’s really just a silly meme. Those people, again, are silly. But since you don’t think ignoring things are a good idea, should we just remove them because some silly people be silly? :man_shrugging:

Do you not destroy your enemy when you make them your friend? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I absolutely agree that’s bad on why the numbers for those guys are high.

In all honesty, it shouldn’t matter what you are, if you kill somebody, you should go to prison, regardless of what you are.

I do agree that race, marriage preference and gender* shouldn’t effect your incomes and stuff like that and should just have talent and skills and stuff like dictate that stuff.

* = I would imagine for the gender part, there is some deliberate inequality there, though not for malicious reasons. If you are a woman and if you happen to be pregnant, which means your gonna have another member in the household soon and part of your family soon, that might affect on the Income. I was talking about Income and that just sprung to mind.

Love how you are being willfully ignorant.

That’s kinda accusatory tbh. I’m just sharing my opinion. If I’m wrong, let me know, but no need to call me ignorant lol

If only you got your fat mentally deranged ar se region banned here like you did with /vg/. Get a life wog boy.

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I mean you are ignorant and choosing to be so. OP repeatedly insults anyone that dares to disagree with him.

My post pointed out an example of how I think he incites people to attack him because he’s accusing them of being a bad person though. So I don’t get where you’re coming from. I mean I do agree that I do not share the same feelings you do, but I also think I’m trying to be fair in criticizing him without making it personal.

You are trying to argue the OP is somehow rational, accusing others of being overly defensive or downright aggressive to the OP, while completely ignoring the fact OP dismisses any argument against their viewpoint while insulting people constantly in the process.

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Did this person mention if this “gay” character is going to be in the Chinese version? because if its not its worthless pandering.

He can’t, he has to pander to Blizzard at the same time.