Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

That’s not nice, I can’t tell blizzard not to put my staff as my face.

Sorry I’m used to it being an intentional choice~ I wonder if they’ll ever fix it at this point.

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You would be surprised how normalized this behavior is for many online spaces, not just here.

At any site a dominant culture forms, what is normal and accepted and what isnt, it isnt based on logic or rational reasons always.

Dominant culture means the majority believes in that culture which directly means anything that doesnt fit in with that culture or even rejects it as wrong is a problem in their eyes. That means mass reporting is their tool of choice for removing said people who dont fit in with their culture clearly showing how the report function is less about reporting rule breakers and more about reporting people you dont like in hopes that if they get enough reports they ll get banned for whatever reason and thus successfully make them leave.

Thankfully WoW forum mods arent like that.


100% with you couldnt say it better nyself

Why was this post flagged?

Something about insecurity.

It kind of is a bit…
Option A, they are not nightelves, which means the Night warrior customs and tradition is no longer Nightelf lore, which it was previously established to have been.


Option B, they are 2 nightelves, which undermines the gender roles of the Nightelf society. And aditionally, Marrage is a human custion, why would it be his ‘husband’ and not just ‘life partner’.

In both cases its pretty trivial, but still, lets not pretend it isn’t going against established lore.

It’s great to see two male nightelves in a relationship, but theres no reason he had to refer to his partner as ‘husband’ instead of using ‘my love’ as Tyrande/Malfurion had established to be the term of commitment through out Nightelf lore.
And theres no reason to make the Night warrior a male, this could work just as well if the night warrior was his sister and him and his (male) lover were her top generals. He’d still have the same insight, and we’d still get two nightelf male lovers, it just wouldn’t be retconing Night warrior lore.

All that said, its still beta, on release it could turn out different to what we expect and provide further enrichment to to lore isntead of breaking it, way too early to be up in arms about it either way.

Nothing. They had a few months as “the in genre”.

I like the zombie genre time. Good old l4d 1 and 2 were my go to games back in the day. Still boot thrm up from time to time

Oh God… I feel old now


Left 4 Dead is still a viable game you can play today.


Because flagging is the new downvote.

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I don’t understand why people go against their own nature in their lives but the is totally up to them to decide on.I’m old and I guess too old fashion but i’ll wouldn’t disagree on a gay matter either because everyone in heart should love and respect each other.

And I do

Always funny getting yeeted of a cliff from a tank. I’m looking at you ramp up to the safe room on the dark carnival map

I fail to see how this is the case. I’ve disagreed with some of the things he’s brought up before and I feel that he’s very respectful with disagreements.

I do notice that he gets a bit tilted when people try to shut down his points with the “lol who cares” argument (if we can even call that an argument), but it’s a valid feeling to have. It doesn’t feel nice when people are completely ignoring your points and trying to silence you. And it’s not like he’s being a jerk or a troll either. So I don’t get why people flagged him.


This guy is such a hypocrite and a virtue signaller. The fact that he is less popular than Asmongold for crying out loud should speak volumes.

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Uh, are you talking about what OP was mentioning? I can’t even remember what that orc was talking about…

Was talking about Taliesin, not someone on the forum.

That’s exactly what the OP does though lol.

Because he is a troll and nothing more. There is no thought process behind his posts, only lashing out for his own personal failings, nothing else.

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I was talking about how sexy that dance was, and how I’m ready to twerk that weird gnome butt of mine.

Gnomes are gross.