Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Oh my god, they honestly think history started yesterday.

How would the subject feel if they were told to watch an episode of “Will and Grace”? How would they react if told to listen to “Frankie Goes to Hollywood”?


Yeah it’s a bit of a non issue

I don’t read quest texts and barely watch in game stuff

I’d be pretty annoyed if I was gay and got represented by a night elf tho

Problem is we wont coexist history has taught us if we do not give bigots the boot they will us they serve no point no bigot of any sort has ever mattered or will matter I’m any sort of helping or pushing humanity forward and I have seen plenty of whining on these forums from the color of skin to this gay couple it is sad it is even a thing honestly. Also sorry phone typing so meh

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It is quite honest actually.

The dominant culture there is not pro furry, furry is something that is popular and cool to hate on, even by other furries there because the dominant culture only accepts furries that hate themselves and call themselves degenerates.

An unapologetic furry who thinks there’s nothing wrong with being a furry is immediately going to trigger those people because it is a direct attack to their close minded culture

Also yes obviously it wasnt MERELY because I was those things, but they were one of the major factors, just like how some older society would accept gays as long as they were quite and self hating but would hate and push away anyone who was proudly gay, that site is no different than any other site, dominant culture exists like in any mini society.

So yes those were the reason, my challenging unapologetic attitude was another, which again I am proud of which is another think that triggers them as most people there are very self hating and the idea that someone doesnt think themselves as a loser like the rest of them is pretty triggering, aka me challenging their dominant culture quite directly and the more I annoyed them the more fun I had.

Though that was years ago when I had a lot of free time being bored on my academy, now I can just post here for funz xd

If i say all whites are racists does that mean I mean every single white person is racist?

No, by throwing such generalizations around you can detect which people are in touch with what is going on and who isnt.

For the above example a person who knows there’s a very loud number of whites who are openly racist and some who are not so open, that sentence makes sense and they do not challenge it because they understand what the problem is.

Now a person who is blind to that racism will instead instantly go on the defensive and try to defend themselves which clearly shows that either they are completely blind to that loud group of white racists or that they are willingly avoiding to believe that loud group matters or has any power.

Same goes with the “Gamers TM hate women and minorities” joke, the people who enjoy games and know that there’s a very loud group that always gets mad over women and minorities in games will understand that, the privileged gamer that wants to believe that doesnt happen or is so small and irrelevant will instead go on the defensive.
And again that pattern of thought is wrong because some people are privileged enough to not have to deal with that loud group hating them, some other groups arent as lucky and by pretending they are not a big problem and that we should ignore them you are pretty much saying lets ignore the people who suffer under the existence of that loud group instead of “this group must be removed”

Again this goes to my point of if you ignore them, they only become a bigger problem because you are not dealing with them.

And also we dont know if they are a minority, there’s clearly a lot of people who openly have hateful views, and there’s also the groups that try to hide it and use excuses to push against anything lgbt or minority related, and then we have the big group that tries to ignore and pretend that group’s negative influence doesnt exist.

So if we include all 3 of those groups, and put the minorities on a 4th group, it would seem that things are very stacked against any minority who wants improvement or the change of a broken status quo

These people also vote.

That is what it makes it EVEN MORE SINISTER, if there’s such reaction to something as minor and irrelevant as that, can you imagine if there was a major LGBT character include?

That kind of behavior would make many companies avoid doing that because they would know the issues it would cause and since they care about money instead of standing up for something, we can clearly conclude that this loud group has power and influence which negatively affects LGBT and minorities.

Absolutely false, there’s some of them that are trolls yes and that is their goal. But many of them are genuine, they honestly dislike LGBT existing in their games, they are the definition of status quo warrior that hate change which is yet another problem with these people that needs to be fixed.

In other words, ignoring them wont reduce their numbers because many of them are not trolls.

The furry fandom is a good example compared to many gaming fandoms.
We kick out terrible people if they are found to be racist, homophobic, supporting orange one etc, because if we didnt these people would slowly crawl over the fandom and spread their hateful ideology.

And hateful ideology will ALWAYS BE NATURALLY easy to spread because the easiest thing people can believe is that their problems are caused by someone else who is not connected to them.

Meanwhile gaming communities who go no politics very soon end up with racist or homophobic memes and people getting further into normalizing hateful ideas to the point rules dont matter because if everyone agrees, there’s no reason to report something hateful.

Good luck convincing a genuine racist for example that they arent superior and that the matters of minorities or differently coloured people matter.

Are you willing to be their therapist and spend months or years trying to rewire their hateful ideology out of their brain?

I am not so it is not a realistic solution in my eyes.

Let me give you an example

Let’s say there’s a status quo and system where systematically black people for example were disproportionately send to jail with higher sentences or even killed.

People point that out and demand to change it as that system clearly shows a heavy bias against the lives of these people and hurts them more(And of course dominant culture also leads to more discrimination)

A person who would defend said systems can pretend all tehy want, but their support is supporting the system that hurts and murders minorities.

That is what many people imply when talking about human rights, that person is not supporting human rights because they are supporting a system that clearly does not value some lives.


No body likes furries and the only reason people end up not hating furries is because they mean at least one reasonable person that identifies as furry and it makes it harder after they’ve humanised them

No one takes furries seriously and they shouldn’t for damn good reason though

Furry is actually pretty huge, tbh. We’re so huge we aren’t really a single group anymore. Conventions are so wild and so competitive to get a hotel room at that rooms get booked in seconds.


100%. There’s a sizable amount of people who are okay with it, but there’s also a number of people who are saying things like this “makes the Night Elves look bad” which basically means they are implying that LGBT representation = bad. In fact, this was already happening with the male models having leaves. So there’s facts here that people are feeling some sort of way about this, and then posting insensitive comments without regard as to how it would affect the LGBT community.

I’ve also seen people make arguments that sexuality does not belong in a fantasy genre, and I’ve provided these same people facts that LGBT representation exists and will continue to exist in multiple fantasy game. Namely Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, GW2 and in other genres. We can even include Overwatch to the list, which shows that Blizzard has a historic precedence of including LGBT representation and they don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s usually a specific playerbase that blows it out of proportion that then incites hurt feelings that causes another portion of the playerbase to defend themselves. Then prior playerbase gaslights them by saying “lol you’re overreacting.”


I work in a hotel

Would you like to take a stab in the dark as too which convention we’ve ever hosted that caused the most issues?

The Keith Moon Impersonators Coalition?

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I’m not surprised that furries cause issues, it’s like an army of college kids on spring break.

MaGfest which is a general nerd convention is pretty wild too.

Ràlph does not need to be flagged for this. I wish something would be done about false-flaggers.

welcome to wild west.

I think it’s hit the point with this fellow where people have had enough of his condescending nature

I’m extremely anti flagging but I feel like Ralph does a fantastic job in bringing out the worst in people

Isn’t this the dude who had beef with Asmonbald?

Isn’t this the dude who lost the beef with Asmonbald?

really ?? Ralph with asmongold??

I Think Ràlph is one of the most agreeable Pandas on the horde side. I mean, I like all pandas, but there are still a few that are just here to defend their own narrative.

Nah, Taliesen.

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Obviously it’s your first day… what you really need to do is hold grudges against posters that you don’t agree with and flag down their posts until they give up posting, leaving you victorious.

What If I just love how Ràlph looks and I love pandarens that much?

I know better than to argue with Pyramid head so you do you :heart: