Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Ok let me make a new thread on this topic and see how people respond :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve established how being Gay has been a part of media culture for decades.

And Iā€™ll state that anyone, business or otherwise, who tries to capitalize on this currently, are doing so for their own reasons. Itā€™s ā€œFeel Good Activismā€

Despite my name, I AM a fire mage after all.

As Axel would say.

ā€œBurn baby! Burn! Iā€™ll make it all better!ā€ :fire: :fire:

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Heā€™s not filtered because heā€™s 100% fake. Heā€™s just trying to benefit off of controversy. If he really wanted to make a difference heā€™d stop baiting trolls and heā€™d spend less time playing a video game that he uses to promote himself.

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IN the military its common to see what we call contract marriages.

2 people get married to enjoy its benefits. Not really looking for the whole actually married out of love bit at first.

One of those beneā€™s being getting out of the barracks ASAP. I canā€™t judge hereā€¦I was in a crap unit where a bad day at work didnā€™t end when you got ā€œhomeā€. That crap carried over to barracks games after work.

Now some of these turn into real marriages. Someā€¦donā€™t. Ride that out till the of tour, end the marriage and move on.


Please do, I donā€™t wanna give this troll more attention. :sweat_smile:

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I took one look at that dude wearing a suit reporting on Warcraft news and I knew exactly what type of dude he was

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This one? :point_down:

I canā€™t say if Ralph is actually gay or not. He can tell you himself if he wants to. Iā€™m not going to invade his business by asking questions like that if he doesnā€™t want to.

What actually bothers me about Ralph is the attitude he goes about in his threads. This condescending, flippant attitude he has. Which is especially bothersome cause if this is something heā€™s actually serious with, he wouldnā€™t use this sort of counter productive attitude or way of talking. If heā€™s just trolling or joking, which i highly doubt cause he does believe the things he say, he is just dismissing his own points then.

However, i will say this to illidaria, i donā€™t think itā€™s fair to bring that point up of that person being gay. I would just personally go after the attitude and information he has set forward here.

Well, experiences are subjective. I canā€™t say if your experience with anything is false or not, unless you actually bring proof to us to say it is real or fake.

Well thatā€™s gonna be hard, cause didnā€™t you tell me itā€™s an Anagram of something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Though i would hazard to guess the first bit is Milo. :thinking:


Honestly I am not sure if you are naive or too young or overprivileged or simply delusional so I ll say this once.

Many IRRELEVANT characters who have wives or are found to be together with someone etc are almost always pretty badly written, mainly because they are minor characters and by definition wont be fleshed out as much.

When such characters happen to have a wife or a girlfriend and in general be str8, nobody says anything, because it is a tiny minor thing nobody cares about.

When the same thing happens but it is 2 gay guys, we have a wowhead article with around 200 comments.

I dont care about what you believe or think, this is what is happening, this is reality, it shouldnt be happening but it does, so it is a problem that needs to be fixed.

And unless someone suggests a better solutions to fixing all the homophobes, racists and delusional people who try to find excuses to be annoyed by a gay couple, I will continue to push towards shaming them and removing them from communities, not a great solution but the one I can do rn myself.

Because this was not related to the game, it is related to the peopleā€™s attitude of trying to avoid ā€œBaD vIbESā€ aka PoLiTiCs to such an extreme that they allow bigots and terrible people to spread through out their community.

Because that is happens historically when things are bad in a country, low wages, higher costs leads to misery which instead of targeting the people responsible for said misery aka the bosses above them, they fall for the BS some delusional moron tells them about how they are great but it is le evil immigrants or le evil minorities or le evil X that is causing all their misery.

During those times you have the average mostly privileged people happily ignore those distasteful groups which they look down upon and pretend they arent a big deal, the Natsoc party has been in germany for many years before it took full power.

That is what happens when people ignore bigots and hateful people who try to use a bad economic situation in order to get power and then start trying to purge whatever they decide is ā€œthe problemā€.

That attitude has been witnessed in Germany during those years and we are witnessing it again rn, and gamers TM are an excellent example of that behavior

There is no such thing as neutral when it comes to many topics, human rights? You either support them or support policies and people who are against the human rights of certain people, there is no neutral


Youā€™re right about the first bit.

Heā€™s a really controversial YouTuber.

Yet to see an actual homophobe in this thread, be sure to point one out to us.

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The only streamer that I know of that is completely, 100%, unequivocally on the level and without a greedy bone in their body is Vinny from VInesauce.

Heā€™s not a WoW streamer, of course, but in terms of ā€œgood guy streamersā€ he tops the list.

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That I agree. The way some people here jumped and attacked on opposite opinions does equates to being shoved down the throat.

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Yet to see an actual homophobe in this thread

Iā€™m sure you havenā€™t.


Finally a dwarf with good taste! Thank you for mentioning him!

If only you were on my faction.

And Iā€™ve agreed from the beginning that that is often the case.

But Iā€™ve also said that intent doesnā€™t matter when the end result is representation and normalization.

And I never said that gay culture hasnā€™t existed. Of course it has. I said it was rare, but maybe I should have been more specific. It wasnā€™t accepted as widely as it is today. Were there gay performers and characters? Of course. But they were often seen as part of a fringe group that was apart from society as a whole.

The fact that there is more representation today than there was back then is a good thing. Gen X laid a great foundation, and subsequently generations are building upon that.

Now, homophobes, racists, and other bigots are becoming the fringe, while historically marginalized communities are being seen by more and more as normal.

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No, we actually arenā€™t. Trying to compare some randos online with a political movement that happened in 1930ā€™s and 1940ā€™s Germany is completely asinine, if not borderline insane.


the desire I see from the lgbtq community is both

if thereā€™s a benefit for being married, they deserve it too

they could of course hold a private less official ceremony for it, but the state recognition comes with a plus, and they shouldnā€™t be denied it

Opposite opinion =/= to homophobic.

Show me some dislike or prejudice in my posts, otherwise, you can politely shut your mouth. Plenty of dislike for virtue signalling YouTubers though.

EDIT: Or are you the sort of person who likes to invent new definitions of words to suit their argument?

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