Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Humans are built bisexual

Thanks for playing

Honestly, I could not care less.

Suggesting someone get counselling for issues relating to self worth does not equate to suggesting someone is mentally ill. There is also no shame in attending counselling (I have personally done so in the past), so don’t put words in my mouth.

How do you define under-representation (in general)? Do we have to break things down by demographic? You must ONLY have X% of XYZ in your game? Will YOU be happy once we hit the same % of XYZ demographic IRL in the game? Or will the goalposts shift yet again? At NO point did I come out against “under-represented” groups.

can be whatever we want it to be, it’s a union ceremony

nothing more


Are you going to call me a flat earther like all the other trogladytes on this forum who can’t make a decent argument?

Haha, we’ve already sacrificed tier sets for Azerite gear, how much worse could it get? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh snap… This gonna be good, the gauntlet has been thrown. Blood elf ladies sure are tough. Nisha would be impressed.


You rolled a vulpera

People already have a low standard of you and don’t think they have anything to prove

Marriage was originally a social contract to divvy up funds and property to the wealthy, landed gentry.

No, just pointing out that Milo is not someone with a grounded perspective, which is what you are claiming. He is heavily biased, and while that is not inherently a bad thing, it does preclude him being overly rational.


Glad you led with that, saves me from having to continue reading whatever gibberish follows.

Once more, if your beliefs invalidate the existence of a group of people based on proven biological makeup and not your stunted understanding of science that disregards evolutionary theory, then yes, you and your beliefs are wrong, and, by definition:

Justify your prejudice all you like, it’s still prejudice.


Who cares… My main is a goblin anywho.

Why is this flagged?

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Because it’s from a known troll. If it wasn’t him, it wouldn’t be flagged this hard.

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This is where Blizzard has made it difficult for themselves. They say they’re for things like gay rights. Then they remove them just to sell their products in China.

So in the end it just makes them look like all they really care about is putting things like this in their games for money and not really caring about individuals or improving the gaming community as a whole.


The fox speaks the truth even if it’s a low value because it’s a fox

I like Tali streams cuz he isnt filtered like most streamers or youtubers, if some racist bigot starts saying bs he will absolutely blast them because he and many others are tired of the bad faith talking points we keep hearing which only exist so people go deeper in hateful beliefs.

Sorry calling bad people out=/=less virtuous.

Your obsession with fake civility and negative peace is not something we care about or consider virtuous.


Alright. I can agree to that. No arguments there.

So what? They aren’t editorializing the content. Flag troll posts, not every post they make.

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Literally only one movie needs to be on that list.

Top Gun :smiley:

If being gay is so basic, why set off fireworks to highlight it? What’s the motive?