Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Man, where’s Limo Naunpolsiyoo when you need him?

And you made a claim that it will never happen.

You mean absurd?

Okay, you do realize that low probability means, it’s not “never gonna happen”, right?

Edit: I forgot to put that one in. :point_up:

If something has a chance to happen, even if it’s small, it’s not “never gonna happen”. It’s not Zero chance. Just pointing that out.

Invincible reins have a very low probability to drop.

And you guys are normal. I don’t think less of you. :+1:

Sure, it is silly to say nobody treats you badly, cause there are people that are like that. But i never treat anybody differently because of their different external traits, like race, gender, smexaluity, and so on. Along you’re not a huge jerk, we will get along just fine.

Also, pardon the post edits, but i had to fix some mistakes and make myself clear here and there.

Consumable art has always been a reflection of people, and is many times that of the people who consume it.


Yep we will have to sacrifice a raid tier for it :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

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Back To the Future parts 1,2 and 3
Weird Science
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
The Karate Kid
Short Circuit
Teen Wolf
Police Academy
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Return Of The Jedi
Cobra (has Sylvester Stallone in it)
Blade Runner
The Lost Boys
The Monster Squad (I love how Frankenstein’s Monster is done in this one)
Mad Max The Road Warrior

I could keep going on and on. The 80’s had a lot of good to great movies.


As I mentioned before, Loti and Raal need to be the new baseline for how Blizz writes couples. Don’t make them all cookie-cutters, but give them that lived-in feeling, make us believe through bits of quest text and dialogue that they’ve been married for a long time and they have a unique dynamic.

Well many critics trash GTA series but it only shows a reflection of the society.

I think that one needs to hear the truth and gospel of the mighty Limo Naunpolsiyoo.

Because some of us dont respect or support people who dont care about anything other than pleasing their audience and garnering views, no matter how terrible that audience might be because they dont care about quality, they care about quantity.

Bellular only cares about becoming big, which is why he has becoming more and more fake. You can see it by his attitude, he has adopted the whole “Oh i am totally rational and logical and care about facts but I am also so passionate and lets be real this is just BS” persona because that is the persona gamers TM want to see themselves as, it becoming clear he is faking the entire thing when you know everything is preplanned and scripted as well as the fact where he acts passionate about things he clearly doesnt care. But as long as he has that relatable persona he will attract the gamer TM crowd which is his core demographic.

And yes when there’s major issues on this world people who CARE ABOUT WHAT IS RIGHT and not just becoming big will talk about it even if it pisses off the overprivileged kids who want to live in a peaceful bubble where they can pretend nothing big is ever going on.

For example during the protests that are going on, it doesnt take much time to see the non stop unambigious video proof of what is going on, what did he do instead? Pretend as if he is le rational man who cant have an opinion because he hasnt done any indepth research on something that is quite obvious, he knows very well that if he openly said something in support of those protests his audience would go against him and be annoyed.

And like many big AAA companies, they dont want to annoy their audience no matter how stupid this audience is which results in them getting further into delusions so the company can keep pandering to them.

Bellular has become the definition of spineless, number hungry fake persona youtuber many of us have pointed out in the past.

Who? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

retcon if night elves, tbh blizz shoulda made it 2 women instead then jsut reveal that anduin gets a husband this xpac since he literally has not revealed what hes into it would not be retcon if they pair up anduin with a guy and its more significance since hes the KING

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calls self Gen X

doesn’t put Die Hard on list

This travesty deserves its own thread.


“hey this raid is gay”



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Anagram friend. Trying not to set off too many detectors.

Yeah, but this youtuber has a lot of subscribers, therefore we should all listen and agree with them because…reasons.

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Technically the other lady made the claim

Typing on my phone

I am not saying it can not happen, I am making a claim its never happend to anyone here. I have no proof of this just as they have no proof of the contrary.

Then its a complete non-issue.

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You really need to watch Limo Naunpolsiyoo. He’s a really down to earth YouTuber about all this. He may actually agree with you on this.

I recognize Die Hard i just never liked it nor Bruce Willis.

If you believe that Milo of all people is down to earth than you need to reevaluate which planet you are calling Earth.


Oh boy, here we go.

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