Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

I can roll off quite a few movies in the 80’s that were better than Goonies but if you like it then that’s all that matters. We each have our differing opinions.

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As a Bi person, I know.

…But it is fun XD


As long as they aren’t moronic chick flicks. I’m down.

A huge group? Not that I expect less from one of your posts, but hyperbole really doesn’t help any.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again new characters are fine and if written in a way where we know what they are but it’s not the main point behind the character.
Example, Initially the pc is sent out to rescue their significant other/prove that the pc and the npc can work together. From there they we learn they are a commander/get quests to help do stuff. The relationship becomes background info for the characters involved but no the focus…

spoilers, not that I suspect people here in the know care: h ttps://www.wowhead.com/news=316533/the-story-of-the-first-night-warrior-night-fae-campaign-preview-spoilers

it appears to be glazed over before going into night warrior exposition

just normal dialogue

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I just said that i’m discussing the attitude itself, removing the gay part from it. This is still have to do with the topic cause we are talking about “Shoving things down your throat”.

You know, i never seen you prove your argument that it would never happen.

Now I’l gladly admit that i can’t prove this one in particular, i’m just applying common sense here, because the whole “Shoving their life style choice in general” people does exist, it would be unreasonable and silly that it will never ever happen to a gay person who will do that. If these people exist in other areas, it will spread to other areas. That’s just human nature.

This is the one part in particular your dismissing and writing off right off the bat and missing the point here, think if i’m not talking about gay people here, then i’m not being on topic here.

So can i ask you, can you prove that it will never happen with this one in particular and not be dismissive about it?

Everything you’ve written suggests a fundamental lack of understanding of the English language. I didn’t mention anything about being able to see myself in the game, in fact, I’ve intentionally left out my identity as it has no bearing on the conversation. I play a wide variety of different characters across the games I play, none of whom or represent me based on immutable characteristics.

What I AM saying though, is that you’re (not you personally, just generally) potentially requiring some counselling if you need to see yourself in the entertainment you consume to validate your existence. Something that only seems to be an issue with narcissistic millennials.

Or maybe, just maybe…the character is just gay? And that’s it?

Being gay isn’t an inherently political statement. Especially not in a fantasy video game where there are multiple races and societies with different cultures entirely different to our own.

Like, was it a political agenda when Blizzard made Night Elves a female-dominated society in the military and leadership?

Was it pandering when Blizzard put Sylvanas, a female, as the leader of the Horde?

It’s only ever homophobic/uncomfortable straight people who call “pandering” whenever a gay character is in a show or game or book. Don’t you think Gay people would actually get offended if we were being pandered to? But we aren’t making a big deal out of this because it’s not a big deal…


But gay culture has been a thing for decades? Why are you and everyone else so angry about it


This is very true.


They should aim for a mature love story between two.

Except this would imply that being gay is a lifestyle or a choice, which isn’t true. Can you choose to be gay right now and suddenly be attracted to the same gender? No, because you’re straight.

Being straight isn’t a lifestyle either. Your sexuality isn’t a lifestyle, lol. It’s like a personality trait I suppose, like being an introvert or being funny. Those aren’t “lifestyles”.

A lifestyle/choice would be being vegan.


Sexuality is a complex mix of genetics, cognition, and epigentic triggers.

Where am i implying that? Cause if i do, then i apologize. Mea Culpa. That was not my intention to imply something like that.

But i think you understand the point i’m making here when i said “Shoving your lifestyle/belief, etc down your throat”. You can read the previous comments i’ve made explaining on this with an example.

they could, I’d bet they’re testing the waters on it, but ultimately a higher up may kill it :woman_shrugging:


There are gay people in this very thread that have disagreed with this statement. Maybe they aren’t the right type of gay.


The burden of proof lay with those who made the claim. But aside from that I dismiss your statement because its so ridiculous, the probability of it happening is so low. We are not trying to convert you, we want to be accepted as normal.

Thats it, nothing more, nothing less.

Like I said earlier. Everyone acts like human history came into being yesterday, and it’s utterly bizarre.


LOL. So you’d be fine if there were only gay people and people of color in the games you play. Wouldn’t bother you a bit, because only people who are mentally ill (according to our friendly armchair psychiatrist) care whether people like them are represented in the entertainment they pay for.

Nope. You came out against representation of currently underrepresented groups.

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That would involve too much effort, why would you do that when you can just throw in some token lines and call it a day?

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