Taking a break to play skyrim for the first time

That’s basically Skyrim. Without mods it’s the most generic and vanilla thing out there.

Skyrim and Oblivion are two games that I sunk over 100 hours into. Eventually it got to the point in Skyrim that I had done everything and decided to go to war with the town guards. I’m now wanted in the whole of the game and get swarmed as soon as I get near to civilization…it’s hilarious, because my plate-wearing battle mage can kill everything the game throws at me. He’s basically indestructible. When I shop or craft, I have to pause to dispatch a guard or 10 lol

Yes, the game is only great for the mods but also those has limitations as there’re very few that helps in immersion

What set Morrowind apart from Oblivion and Skyrim was just the level of detail. Just about every NPC had a name… even those random bandits you find in caves. Oblivion was a bit of a let down for me because of how generic it was with template caves, dungeons, etc. that were recycled and bandits labeled as just bandits. Skyrim was a step back towards that detail but still not all out like Morrowind was.

Still all really great games though, just that Morrowind was the top dog

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I love Morrowind. Easily my favorite out of all Elder Scrolls games.

Every time I play it I discover something new. It’s crazy how many little secrets it has.


Amazing fun, if your into a game like that. Oblivion the game before it has a lot more RPG elements comparatively, but Skyrim is a fantastic game none the less.

There is a end, but it’s going be a few hundred hours or so before you get there technically. Plus not to mention the dozens of interesting sidequests and more that you can find randomly.

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Did they fix it then? Because it was unplayably glitchy when I tried it - the graphics freaked out and the game crashed like every 5 minutes. Was years ago but it was awful. Still don’t know what the actual problem was.

Anyway I loved the game, have more hours than I wanna think about playing it unmodded :stuck_out_tongue:

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I really enjoyed Skyrim and revisit it every once in a while. With the massive array of mods that add new content and cosmetics there’s tons of ways to customize your Skyrim experience.

Here’s my most recent Skyrim character!

I played Skyrim for the first time in 2018. I was super hyped about it. I heard many great things about the game, but I’ve hardly even seen game play of it. I launched it completely blind, I did the starting quests and such, and I was immediately hooked. I decided I wanted to be exclusively a magic user. Once I reached the first or second settlement I heard about this thing called “The College of WInterhold” from an NPC or something. My first goal was to get there as quickly as possible. After wondering around for a bit I found a taxi service that took me there, and I headed up to the massive building ahead of me. After doing a trial or whatever it was I get in. “Now I can learn some AWESOME magic!” I thought to myself. I did a ton of quests not really using any new spells. Eventually I learned how to conjure magic swords. I did some dungeon delving for the College quests, got some limited use staves, a magic amulet, maybe some magic armour, and then it hit me: “I’m actually just using a melee weapon, but it does less damage than the ones in my inventory and I have to summon it every 120 seconds.” Once I looked into it I found out that apparently magic in Skyrim is really bad and not worth getting into. I quickly lost interest in the game after that. I tried some mods that improved the magic, but everything felt the same as before. I just decided to go back to Destiny 2. I’m sure Skyrim is great for others, but it definitely isn’t for me.

tl;dr Skyrim magic is trash

I was hoping for an argonian in a maid outfit…

I am disappointed…


LOL sorry! I like my pretty boys :slight_smile:

It’s very stable. I honestly can’t remember having any crashes unrelated to mods.

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This “friend” didn’t have to be Todd disguised as your actual friend to get you to buy another copy of his magnum opus was he? joking aside, When Skyrim came out back I found it good at first, but the longer you play it the more the cracks and lack of actual RPG elements come into play and you realise Skyrim is more a first person hack n slash than an RPG. This becomes especially apparent once you play Arena or Daggerfall.

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pretty much anyone that trash talks skyrim hasn’t played it and just rides the bandwagon even though game has lots of players especially being a single player game and the mods make it better looking than the games that come out today.

Honestly retail wow players really shouldn’t trash talk any game when they play WoW :slight_smile:

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Its a lot different from WoW. Its got a pretty amazing story, very deep lore, and some memorable quests to say the least. You can play any type of character you want and be viable.

i did that today (er… yesterday now, i guess) skyrim used to crash till my step-bro hooked me up with a new graphics card. now i’m tryin to figure out what mods to get (i’ve got a good armful, but could always do with a few more). heck, i ‘think’ i got cbbe working, but uh… i have no clue how i’m gonna get those animation mods i saw working.

It’s a pita but once you get it all working it’s amazing.

I could never get into it. The controls, menu, combat, etc were all just so incredibly clunky and I didn’t feel like using mods. Never been a fan of mods in games, always felt like cheating. So yeah idk, the base game was pretty meh as someone who has never played an elder scrolls game before. I don’t think I ever got past that first big city/town (after the river town) in the valley cause I just wasn’t feeling it. I’ve tried it probably 10 times since it was released, a few times using mods, never got further than that. Just not a game for me

That said it was very immersive and the music was really good

Nah, you’re just bad at it. Skyrim’s magic, while a little less in-depth than Oblivion or Morrowind, is functional and quite potent. Mastering Illusion magic basically turns Smooth Criminal into your theme song thanks to liberal use of pacify, frenzy, and fear spells.

A friend of mine descended the city of Whiterun into utter chaos by dropping an AoE frenzy spell in the middle of town and incurred a 4 gold bounty despite the amount of dead npcs murdered by the guards.


I’m sure it’s been stated already, but if you have a PC that can run it-- get it on PC. The mods make it pretty decent.

I was never a huge fan of it personally. After enjoying Morrowind as much as I did, I didn’t get the same sort of feeling from Skyrim and ultimately it was a disappointing experience for me. However, a lot of people would disagree with me on that one!

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