Taking a break to play skyrim for the first time

Mod it til it crashes. Nexus Mods is your friend.

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Hmmm nice, that’s good. Idk if it was a graphics thing or a game thing, but it was back when it first came out and I wasn’t too fussed so I just went back to standard edition at the time haha

I might try it again, it’s been a while since I played haha. Haven’t finished all of the DLC yet either…

So this is really just a question out of curiosity, but what do you mean by this? What RPG elements?

I don’t know if it’s just that I haven’t played too many single player games and mostly play MMOs to begin with, but I mean… The whole time I was playing it, it felt like I was exploring a world far more than just killing enemies. I was learning about the people, settings, and history of various divided factions and developing my character’s story along the way. Is it the character part? A lot of my character development was from playing my character a bit like a DND character… she had her own backstory and personality that I came up with that drove how I approached various quests and decisions. What is it that makes it not really an RPG?

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my man you are in for an experience with skyrim such a grand game even though bethesda keeps making remasters of it and trying to sell it over and over.

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Oh a fresh skyrim player. I had a lot of fun with that game. GL!


Thank you. I’ve put it off for so long, I even remember hearing about it when it first launched and all the rave about. I get to sink my teeth into it come Tuesday. Tuesday will be my last day of BFA until Shadowlands releases.

To me, an RPG is picking a role and being that role. In Skyrim, you can be everything and you are not really playing a role, more of a jack of all trades, master of none. You can be a two handed warrior who wears heavy plate and be the Arch mage or even a master thief despite clonking around the place.

Comparatively in Daggerfall, if you roll a Warrior, you are a warrior. If you enter the mage guild, they will tell you you cannot do any of their side quests because you are a warrior and not a mage and same with the Thieves guild, if you ain’t stealthy, you ain’t welcome. This opens up near limitless replayability as you may want to roll a different class just to see what quests they have for you. In Skyrim, you are everything, so you don’t need to roll a new character to experience different quests from other guilds due to the fact you can just do everything even if you aren’t suited for that role.

Your opinion may differ, but being everything all the time is boring. If I roll a warrior, I want to be a warrior, and if it locks me off from certain things, then I guess I have to roll another class suited for it which as I said, increases replayability and enjoyment. That’s what was fun about, say, Neverwinter Nights or Baldur’s gate, if I rolled a warrior and there was a locked chest, I could bash the chest in, but by doing that, I could destroy the thing inside whereas if I had a thief with me or if I was playing as one, I could lock pick it and get the items inside without risk of destroying them. Playing a role is what makes RPG’s fun.

Hmm. That’s fair enough. I guess it’s just because I kind of was doing a lot of the roleplaying on my end haha.

I kind of had a mixed approach when I was playing. For my character, really her personality would have her being three things - mage, thief, and assassin (dark brotherhood). I played as a character whose motivation was obtaining knowledge and power by any means and kind of approached every quest as like… alright, what’s in it for me for doing any of this?

But the type of character I was playing kind of lent itself to doing a bit of everything. I didn’t do any melee fighting or almost any crafting, and kind played multiple factions as if she was getting what she could from them with full intent of abandoning them eventually. Which did mean kind of selectively ignoring certain aspects of how the characters viewed my own, hah.

I can definitely see if you want to play one specific role your only option is to kind of actually just ignore the quests that don’t fit though. The world’s set up to kind of let you do whatever you want, and everyone around you kind of rolls with it no matter how godlike and quintuple-agent you play yourself as. Which can be a little, ah. Hilarious at times, if I’m being honest.

I haven’t played Daggerfall, though I do have a long list of games to play still… but I had a lot of fun playing Skyrim, and I also had a lot of fun playing Neverwinter Nights and Dark Alliance. It’s really the stories and the world that I enjoyed in Skyrim.

And the glitches. Some of those were really fun too.

Edit for weird grammar

Get mods, the base game is…

… good.

But not, "touchstone of the genre, release it on everything for eight years, ‘what, you’ve only played it for 2,350 hours?’ " good.

That does indeed take mods.

I wouldn’t use good as my descriptive word

Then don’t. But the vast majority of the gaming world would disagree with you.

And that’s fine. Uncommon opinions make people more interesting.

I don’t think Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda, I don’t understand how the Witcher series ever survived the first game, and Dragon Age: Origins is woefully overrated.

I can’t comment on those, I heard the combat in the Witcher games was a little lacking

Part of me wants to buy a Nintendo whatever to play Zelda because it looks so good, but I just settle for another dark souls replay

Really good game. I dont like how they took away a lot of the RPG aspects of previous Elder Scrolls games and dumbed down a lot of the armor design, but its still a lot of fun to just run around and play a basic hack and slash game.

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For a while, Witcher 3 vs. Skyrim was the hot debate among pundits.

I’ve yet to play it, but gnawing through the rest of the series doesn’t inspire much hope for that comparison. The main character is just not likeable.

Breath of the Wild was good, sure, and worth playing, but I wouldn’t but it in my top three. Honestly, I prefer the original structure. Among other things BotW’s open world suffers from the same problem of every open world - one Rhode Island’s worth of content variety spread over an Alaskan wilderness.

The combat is pretty solid, I’ll give it that much though. If you’re a fan of Dark Souls, it is by far the most Dark Souls Zelda around - easily so at the start, but it doesn’t completely go away. There are a lot of things that can and will one shot your Hylian hide for most of the game with the kind of rabid gusto that would make the original OoT/MM Iron Knuckles stand up and go “Whoo!”

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People can enjoy whatever they wish, Skyrim included, and if your idea of an RPG is how Skyrim works, then no one can really tell you otherwise. My idea of an RPG is, as I said, picking a role and being the role through and through, warts and all, and Skyrim to me is not what I would personally describe as an RPG, it’s a hack n’ slash game with little to no actual role-playing unless you personally like being everything and nothing at the same time.


that’s actually a good idea. I need a good solid RPG to sink my teeth into. I’m subbed until january 2021 anyway. I really wanted to do the 5 masks, and I’m up to 3 now. So might just do the 3 mask run once a week, until i get neough 460 gear then try 4 and 5.

I see. I’ll give it another go. Perhaps I didn’t spec into any good spells at the point when I quit. It’s really hard to get past the fact that you need to enter the menu every time you want to swap spells though. It makes magic feel really clunky and takes enjoyment out of the game for me.

There is a favorite quick select function.