Taking a break to play skyrim for the first time

I liked morrowind because the main story was epic, but I greatly enjoyed Oblivion.

Probably because I had my own copy and could play to my leisure.

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I have… lost interest in Skyrim as of late because I grew tired of my own meta gaming. (as in min maxing, gettin the best I can)

Can’t make a character unless it’s a breton for the sweet 25% resist magic bonus.
Can’t make a pure Barbarian character because I always go for Enchanting, and Barbarians wouldn’t be smart enough to know which enchant does what and I level enchanting? Same thing goes for leveling a wizard type and Blacksmithing.

I ruined this game for myself because I can’t stop min-maxing.

Something I haven’t replicated in WoW, thankfully. Because min-maxing in this game would take too long and require me to do harder content than LFR or Heroic 5mans.

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Honestly I dont remember how much i initially paid for the base game and expansions. Maybe $100?

there is a mod for skyrim makes all characters scale to your level indefinantly its called ( encounter zones unlocked) its a mod on the nexus mod site.

Honestly, Bretons have always been my favorite race even before I knew they had the absolute best racial bonuses (by far). Guess I was lucky! :laughing:

I also really love Bosmer, though.

Oblivion is massively underrated

The dark brotherhood quests were great.

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Before you start it, say goodbye to your family and friends and let them know you’ll be gone for months, perhaps years, because once you start it’s hard to stop, especially once you start adding mods to expand the game even more (with new quests, areas etc, not the funny meme mods).

Have you taken an arrow to the knee yet?


Agreed. Skyrim is somewhat addictive and well worth getting the special Ed.

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They are going to get in trouble with the law and tell them to get lost because they are the Jarl’s thane first.

Then they will take an arrow to the knee.

There’s even a mod to allow you to keep getting Steam achievements even though the game says they will be disabled if you use mods.

I highly recommend getting Vortex mod manager from Nexusmods and using Nexus to handle mod deployment, rather than using the in-game system. The creators don’t seem to update the Bethesda system as often.

Base game skyrim is awful.

Mod the crap out of it.

Base Skyrim is perfectly fine. It’s got bad parts and good parts.

It was alright the first time playing when it first came out.

It honestly hasn’t aged well. I can’t imagine going back and playing it like that again.

I mean for people who are new to it, it’s a huge RPG they can explore - a more casual, and isolated Witcher 3. Witcher 3 is the far better game, but takes way more personal investment and has a storyline arching over 3 games and multiple books.

Obviously if you’ve played it, it’s not going to have the lasting power if you play it again - mods have always been good for that for Bethesda games.

I want to love the witcher but man that combat is sooooo clunky.

After playing so much dark souls it’s just absolutely painful.

The story is amazing though.

Oh, the first two games have insanely clunky gameplay. But 3 has a lot more fluidity. If you play it like Dark Souls (hit a few times, roll a lot) it’s actually really solid. Not as smooth and fluid like Dark Souls but you’re almost unstoppable.

Even on the hardest difficulty, with the right build (largely alchemy and light attack spam) you’re insanely strong.

A good game even without the mods. Totally recommend it if you want to play some single rpg game. Also it has a rich selection of races, although these never play a role in the game aside of a few changes of dialogues from some NPC but just barebones.

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oh boy i wish i could experience skyrim for the first time again