Taking a break to play skyrim for the first time

Crazy expensive but yeah modeling and painting are easily the best parts of the game. If you ever try to get back into it don’t get a Horde army unless you really love their lore because they are money pits. Total war is also a more than satisfactory game with all the factions they have to pick from.

Do not recommend SL framework. Buggy as all get out. :confused: and required for some relatively benign mods :frowning:

Oh definitely get a mod order list from someone else, DansGaming usually has them.

The “New thing” seems to be Wabbajack. Auto dl stuff if you have nexus premium, but it’s basically predone load orders.

I never got into it.

If you can, get it on PC. Make sure you get the Special Edition (it should be easy, the old one is hidden on Steam anyway).

Do a playthrough without mods first. No, not even the unofficial patch. If you install one mod, 99% of the time you start the spiral of installing more. Get the lay of the land, see how it is vanilla. It is your one opportunity to play it straight, after you get into modding you’ll likely never do that again.

Then get onto Nexus and the r/skyrimmods reddit. There’s guides on what most people consider the bare essentials. The Unofficial patch (USSEP) is probably first amongst these, followed by Engine Fixes, SkyUI and SMIM. As well as guides for hyper graphics, guides for immersion, guides for survival, guides to turn the fight gameplay and animations into dark souls, guides for the best companions, guides for the best waifus, whatever floats your boat.

Then there’s the last kind of mods that shall not be named, on a website that shall not be named either. If you seek these, you will find them.

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I have 2,600+ hours sunk in to Skyrim; get on my level scrub!

Bad advice; without mods sure, but going without the unofficial patch will open the door for hundreds if not thousands of bugs that Bethesda refuses to fix because “reasons.”


That’s part of the complete “Bethesda Experience” in my humble opinion. It’s good to know the idiosyncrasies of the original game if you need to troubleshoot certain things later, too.

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I completed every avaiable quest in Skyrim, except the repeatable ones ofc. Game is solid and pretty good. A true landmark for the rpg genre.
Modding is kinda fun but honestly it gets meh after awhile.

Elder scrolls online is also worth playing. The quests are great and pretty meaningful, combat is good too and you dont need a subscription.

Fixed it for you. :point_up:

While Special Edition does have it’s mods and more stable, the Legendary Edition (2011) has more and still being supported, despite you can’t get it anymore from Steam.

1600 here. :grin:

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Skyrim VR makes magic use infinitely better

You can point lightning in two different directions or shield from arrows on your left while melting a guy who is charging you from the front with fire.

intresting that your talking about skyrim i was well am adding a bunch of mods onto skyrim at this moment to play so i have something to do rather than play wow. i am also doing this until the prepatch. 294 mods 234 plugins atm no lag either. ( i dont use mods or addons for wow or any online game IMO it breaks the game)

Tis a good game. It does go on for ever and ever if you do mods an such.

We lost one friends. Please pay your respects to our friend who will not be seen in about…2000+ hours?

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Once you buy Skyrim SE, you get the whole of Skyrim and Solsthiem to explore. ESO even with a collectors edition version of Greymoor, gives you a few areas, but most of the world is walled off behind DLC packs. Sorry, but I don’t have the sheer amount of SCF to buy all that.

I can’t fathom the level of immersion it takes to get to 2000 or more hours…

Realistic combat, actual dark nights (so you need to go slow and use a torch), more rpg elements in the game. All the mods.

oh have you ever tried the graphics/lighting mod called purity it is a combination of the persons mods they made making the game look more real.

Mods is probably the biggest reason Skyrim got as popular as it did. When I got my new machine that could handle the latest and greatest I said to myself that I’d mod it because some of the mods are absolutely gorgeous.

I’ve yet to do it because one thing after another always seemed to come up, but still. You know?

As a Morrowind stan, don’t let my kind ruin your opinion of the game. Play it just as it is - no mods or nothin’. Form your own opinion and don’t let others do it for ya. Try and immerse yourself in the experience. It’s a fun and beautiful kind of game.

Also, don’t bother with racial bonuses and all that unless min-maxing truly is your thing. The bonuses are negligible. Pick the race you like most and just roll with what feels right.

Morrowind is still the best ES game.