Taking a break to play skyrim for the first time

And there’s a great stealth guide:


And this primer:


Skyrim is one of my favorite games. I’ve sank so much time into it. I usually recommend it whenever someone mentions wanting a new game to play.

I used to play it on the Xbox 360 then I got a Xbox One and played the heck out of it again and then discovered mods. So many mods. I can’t say I ever got bored of it without mods, but mods really breathe new life into the game. Also squishing those pesky bugs I never thought I’d see squished.

I love the freedom the game gives you. And with mods you can get even more. I can start as a humble farmer and never even start on the main questline.
But that farmer always ends up becoming a cultist of a certain knowledge hoarding being.

I’ve never watched any of those videos. I feel like I’ve been missing out all this time.


I’ve got a few thousand hours in it.

Fabulous game if you like open ended stuff. Lots to explore and get list in.

Downsides: the guild quests and main quest are on rails. I had to get a mod to slow them down significantly.

Combat is easy. Can get boring(stealth archer)/overpowered(also stealth archer).

Infinite repeatability and a massive modding community.


I’ve played SKyrim since release, and have about 22 different mods installed (mainly QOL items).

I’ve played completely through the game five times, and every time found caves and stuff I didn’t get previously.

They are working on the next game in the series, but have not publicized a release date. Besides the Morrowind, Skyrim and other games in the series, the also have other FPS games that are hits, so they have plenty to keep them busy.

Just be aware, it’s a solo game. So, if you like to play with other players, that’s not possible.

However, another game that’s very good in the same genre is ESO (Elder Scrolls Online), which is multiplayer, no mods, but they have frequent updates/expansions and plays very well. It’s free, although you can subscribe and pickup some benefits doing that. Same cost as WoW.

Good luck.

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22? Only 22?

My current load order is almost 300 and I’m a lightweight.

I also cannot recommend EnaiSiaion’s mods enough.

Man’s a genius.

Stealth archer comes for us all in the end.

It does.

My current playthrough is a sneaky illusion assassin. Hadn’t done one in a while. Ordinator makes it easy to actually be up close in stealth with my stealth ai mod…

Then you play this mod:

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Skyrim is the ultimate p*rn game.

Special edition, hi-res texture packs, vivid weather, unofficial patch are all good choices to mod with.

Definitely play modded. Unmodded while good for a first playthrough is trash.

Wasn’t a fan.

It changed the gameplay way too much for my tastes.

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Khajiit has Wares if you have coin.

The redguards have curved swords. CURVED SWORDS!


Get into warhammer 40k, the lore is great and it gets you out of the house to play with friends.

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Expensive. Though tbh i liked painting the models more than playing. The lore is great.

Total war warhammer II is a good time killer.

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Really. What they did was just amazing, sad, and that ending…oof the feels

Well, if you visit LoversLab, yeah.

Skyrim is one of those games that’s always been on my list to try but I just never got around to it. I’ve heard a lot of great things about it.

Prefer cathedral weathers and seasons myself.

But I don’t usually recommend mods for a first playthrough. It’s very easy to break the game with incorrect load orders and known buggy mods.

I suggest just playing it, and if you like it, research modding before actually doing it.

I recommend the STEP guide for its information on the importance of doing it right when modding, though it does go into deep detail with things like cleaning master files and generating new level of detail.

It’s the source of most of my 300 mod LO.

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