Take to the Skies with Skyriding

lol…clearly indicating that its not being kept around for any VALID purpose, just to annoy paying customers with disabilities who have too much trouble using Ions chosen flight method. lol.

The company would look better if they had left it at a year.
At least that way they could come up with some joke about how old flight was destroying game still and needed to be on a leash until the content was pretty much already over.
Reducing it this drastically says its not there for protecting the game integrity in any way…and continuing to use it says its for little more than obstinance and/or spite.


They cling to the PF shenanigans because they have too much ego involved to remove it completely. They are convinced that people that like TBC normal flying and prefer it are going to magically embrace DR.

What they fail to realize is we are veterans of MMOs and MMORPGS. Why would I use DR when I can log onto Guild Wars and use the SUPERIOR version?

Boggles the mind from a business perspective and also from a game play perspective.

This decision costs them money and it also costs them trust in game design.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I was actually excited about this… But I HATE how it was done. I assumed the switch could be done as an instant cast wile mounted. Nope! Instead you have to cast to switch your flight and then you have to cast to mount. So it’s taking me MORE time than just having two keys bound- one for regular mount and one for skyriding.
If you could make it instant cast or completely undo it? Thanks


BlizZard rug pull sorry to say but it is true. So, so true.

Maybe next time they can communicate and ask the community what they want.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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They have done that but they don’t listen …its a false hope to the player base.

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You failed us.

They should make it instant.

It would be more fun for many people.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It is so disheartening that Blizzard is still ignoring this subject.

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I do not think so because they are heavily reliant on numbers and data. That is why patchfinder is almost dead and they had to stop using it as backend expansion retention mechanics or mid expansion retention mechanic to help slumping activity as the expansion reached the mid or 3/4 point.

The fact that patchfinder was moved up at the start of the expansion shows a big change. But now we just have to be consistent along with the data that will be coming in that PF has no place in the modern retail WoW anymore. It should have never been part of the calculus in the first place.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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jimmies rustled over a 5 second cast time. . .


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The five second cast time disrupts game play flow for many players. That is why feedback is provided IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

5 secs adds up when you play daily …

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But I thought you don’t use Skyriding because of a disability? Why would you be effected at all?

I never said I don’t use it …I said it causes me more pain to use it …

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Then I guess you shouldn’t be swapping all the time?

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There are a lot of people who have cognitive and physical limitations in this world. A lot of disabled people play WoW! Who knew?


If you bind your halt to S while flying you can get more precision when required since dynamic doesn’t have you using S for brakes.

You explained yourself sufficiently.

The point being that TBC normal flying being withheld until patchfinder is completed is pointless just like the five second toggle switch when using DR or TBC normal flying IMVHO!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


There is something to be said for the immersion of having to run the first couple of seasons, but my crafting farmers told me to hush.

Immersion varies and is different for each person.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: