Take to the Skies with Skyriding

Very fishy.

Not fishy because each person uses tools differently.

I would never use DR in any content because if I need to go a long distance that is what hearthstone and portals are for.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

The five second toggle makes it worse for many of us and then locking steady flying behind pathfinder is not fair.

Kick Ion out of Blizzard, problem solved.


Can we make switching between skyriding and norma l flight instant , idm if we have to land first, the cast is just annoying and long

People that play the game swap all the time.

People that do not play WoW obviously do not understand.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I see it as a extension

Free flying is for a-b points

Skyriding is for I need there now

Wouldn’t it be great if they allowed the non-dragonflying mounts like the brooms to be steady flight abled for people who wanted a choice between a slow and a fast mount without the 5-sec cast?

I used to have two mounts key bound for that reason.

Choice is a beautiful thing!