Take to the Skies with Skyriding

Yes, I tried, but it was impossible due to the button not showing up for me. Nothing in the spellbook either. I played on the PTR, I know where the button and spell are supposed to be. They’re not on any of my characters on the live realms. Lots of other folks who never bought and/or played Dragonflight are also having the same issue.

Huh. That’s odd, hopefully it is fixed soon.

Me too! Being swarmed by mobs while trying to get stuff done on a grounded mount is da poop!

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I am veteran and champion the right of choice our country originally stood for. I am happy you defended us for external threats. Its a shame that so many ignore domestic thinking of groups that want to limit free choices to only ones they like! One size fits all choices is what will make this country fail as in limits individuality to whats approved by others. Even in the gaming would that’s a human rights issue. I don’t fear the gaming companies choices. I fear our counties young forgetting they ever had a right to chose to be an individual instead of what some group demands they be! Lack of free choice is the enemy of acceptance and diversity. Even in the gaming community of WOW!


The patch broke a LOT more than that. I have two toons that the patch trashed to the point that I am seriously wondering if I can ever put them back together. My Demo Lock was doing DPS close to 350, and now cannot seem to go over 125, with no changes made by me other than to restore the broken talents (thanks to the patch).

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This is unhinged. The criteria to unlock steady flight isn’t a human rights issue, get a grip.

Blizzard, we are still awaiting your comments on this issue.


There’s nothing to comment on. We’re doing PF.

While I’m not crazy about skywritin – oops, skyriding, IMHO ‘dynamic flight’ seemed redundant (like ‘wet water’), just like to me, ‘static flight’ came across as hovering.

Skyriding is safely generic.

Let me add that players already paid a high price to unlock TBC normal flying many times. That is why players have done their homework and no longer need to keep doing it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Normal flight - No one had issues that needed to be addressed

Dragonflight / Skyriding - People with various handicaps that did not have issues with normal flight now have problems.

Blizzard adds something for motion sickness, ignores rest of people with handicaps, gates the ability to go back to normal flight, both in a new expansion with a new pathfinder (which wasn’t always in game) and via a 5 second spell in current pre-expansion.

Current logic does not work for the player base that is handicapped.

Did I miss anything?


Druid flight form feels bad. Hate it. It’s a class feature not a mount.
I used to be able to cross a small area easily by popping into travel form instead of mounting. Hop from Bank to auction house… Travel form and just fly normally! Now instead I have to shift, try and fly, forget I can’t do that (without changing flying type), use ascent or whatever, fly way to high, overshoot, get annoyed, log off… And now complain on the forums apparently.
… Sigh


Get rid of the stupid CD I mean really that is a hassle if you like to switch back and forth alot like i do.


They don’t care about our opinion, never have never will.


How in the world can flying by at top speed without being able to see much around you help you to engage with the content and environment. It seems like the opposite would be true.


Did Blizzard even think about roleplayers??? How does it make sense in the roleplaying community to have all of these different mounts suddenly fly like dragons? OR to have all dragons suddenly fly like they aren’t dragons? It doesn’t make sense to the game or the story or the lore and I wonder why the RP community hasn’t said anything yet.


I’m not sure what this has to do with… anything really

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Yeah, my issues with Skyriding are two fold. One being many of the “engineering/mechanical” mounts look really stupid with skyriding.

The other issue is gathering, especially on a dual gatherer insofar as running out of vigor.


A real bloodbath…96 Americans KIA.

I suppose that is a fair general summary. The problem is that motion sickness is only one aspect but there is so much more that BlizZard is missing.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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