Take to the Skies with Skyriding

Oh. Yes, ride along is only on specific mounts, which is probably the DF dragon mounts, gryphon, and maybe the owl. It’s only on the ones that were designed to have the follower babies.

Another big miss by BlizZard as a lot of players want to do ride along.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It would kill you to keep your lack of understanding in one thread, wouldn’t it? Only the mounts that have ride along enabled have ride along. If people want ride along, they have access to it. If they do not want ride along, they have the ability to turn it off.

While I agree this would have been nice to have… it seems like alot of work and well Blizzard just couldn’t be bothered.

Forcing skyriding on all mounts was a bad idea unless you can switch instantly. sorry but its worse


It is worse in the current state, but instant is also not necessary. A 1.5 second cast while grounded which doesn’t dismount would be perfectly acceptable as well, as that is fundamentally what we have had up until now with the 1.5 second swap between dragons and steadyflight mounts.

Well they didn’t spend a lot of time doing work on DH, Rogues, Monks or Shamans so they should have finished at least one thing. They had one job to do and well…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It was. Why? Because we were flying faster, I mean, really, that’s all it was. People like being able to fly faster with a speed boost every now and then.

It was great. You could choose to use your “fast” flying mount for long distances, or just regular flying for short ones.

Playing a druid this was perfect. I’d press my hotkey for instant fight form, or alt-hotkey for a dragon mount. Awesome. And even better, when I was on a dragon I could click flight form and immediately switch and hover and control flying again.

Now, I can’t do either of those. It’s just annoying that something that I could do before has been taken away. So for me, this is worse. I now have to land, toggle, wait, fly again. It is not better for my playstlye.

Solutions that I think would appease every one, make the setting per-mount, so you can choose which mount you want to use and which method.

Or, make the toggle instant cast and while flying.

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They didn’t have one job to do, and not every mount is a 2 seat. Not every mount is 3 seat. Not every mount is a multi-seat with a transmog or repair vendor. Not every mount is literally every single thing, I don’t know why this idea suddenly perplexed you when it comes to skyriding.

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Your take is honest and legit so I am inclined to agree with you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I don’t think it was JUST because it was fast. The physics are very appealing. It feels good to be able to nose dive and go insane speeds. There’s momentum.

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Implement the following changes immediately so that we can all enjoy playing the game to our own liking:

  1. Provide a drop-down option in the Controls options menu allowing players to choose between global switching of flight style and mount-specific switching.

  2. Change the location of the Switch Flying Style button into the mount details panel on the Mounts tab when players select the aforementioned mount-specific switching option, enabling us to select our desired option per mount.

  3. Remove the 5 second cast time for Switch Flying Style.

  4. Add an ability in the Druid Spellbook that enables us to toggle Skyriding versus Steady Flight for Flight Form (separately from mount flight style).

  5. Enable Steady Flight directly out the gate in TWW. Do not require progression for access.

If you implement these changes (swiftly), you will entirely alleviate this issue.

We, as the community and your customers, are looking forward to your timely response to this issue.



And also remove PF requirements for TBC normal flying for TWW.

Thanks, signed a WoW fan.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The owl doesn’t allow passengers sadly. And cannot be used in races.

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I agree. My druid flight is much more precise and usable with steady flight (or the way it was originally designed to be used.) I’d never prefer it to be in skyriding mode! As skyriding is for speed and steady flight is for accuracy and pin point landings skyriding can’t provide!


I really enjoy sky riding as a druid. So thank you devs.

Thought I’d leave my feedback too. :sweat_smile:

It’s fun


I’m in the same boat. Apparently if you hadn’t already learned dragonriding then you’re SOL - we don’t get the opportunity to learn the old style flying until max level so all my characters are grounded unless I buy the new expansion. Seems like a poor business decision.

We should not have to unlock steady flight because we already know it. Unlocking it takes people away from enjoying new content for a stupid reason! When you learned to run would you have liked be slapped back to walking and being told to relearn everything again?! That is what this feels like.

The people creating the new flight system punishing the ones who want to use both as we do in dragon flight!

Plus those who hate the new method because it is very awkward on slow systems and during intense lag situations. Due to system response time differences between players. Like the players who can never keep up in raids or dungeons with the characters that move far faster! It might be different if all players were made to move at the same speed regardless of connection speeds, etc!


Unfortunately after the patch I cannot take to the skies at all. None of my characters can use Skyriding OR Steady Flight. I’m stuck on the ground moving around at 200% speed. This sucks.

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Dragon Isles Pathfinder

The only time where you didn’t have to do something to unlock steady flight was Vanilla, because it wasn’t in the game.

Did you try to switch the flight styles in the collections page or the spellbook? Skyriding is default, you have to switch manually to steady flight.

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