Take to the Skies with Skyriding

Is it skyriding, dynamic flight, or dragon riding? Can we pick a name yet? Or will we rename it every expansion and pretend it’s a new feature?

The renaming is done to try and confuse players…with those players that want to use TBC normal flying…which got changed too steady flying…the dang names of each type of flying has been changed a few times in the last two months or so…again blizzard idea to stop some of player from complaining out the pathfinder stuck on TBC flying in TWW…

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Yes, forcing DR on everyone is ableist.


Do you play with your feet?

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We’ve heard for a while now that we would be able to simply switch between dragonriding & normal flying
What I imagined was a simple switch ability / button to quickly go from one to the other…what I didn’t imagine was to dismount…5 second cast…mount again. And I definitely don’t imagine the ability for non “skyriding” flying mounts to now be ground only mounts.
Get a phone call…someone’s at the door…Gone are the days of QUICKLY jumping on a normal flyer for safety to go AFK for a few mins… Seriously what is the gain in going it this way…absolutely nothing that I can see. Such a disappointment


Thats what im trying to figure out. My level 60 (dont have previous expansion so at max) hunter who could pretty much fly anywhere now cant and not clear how i even get it back or if i can.

Skill issue.

Blizzard - I am sure you are seeing all of the posts from people who just will not stop crying about old flying being a thing of the past.

Please do not listen to them and revert this, everyone I know who actually plays the game is just hyped to have Skyriding on all of our mount collection so we can use our old mounts again.

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While I like dragonflying, could you please not force druids to choose between the class fantasy they’ve had for over 15 years at this point?

Give us the equivalent of stag form, a second flight form button so we can dynamically choose if we want one or the other.


Personally, I don’t like that I cannot select what mounts are skyriding versus steady flight, including druid flight form. I think this change was not well thought out. We should be able to access both forms of flight without having to toggle a 5 second cast. As a druid, this change represents a massive nerf to mobility options. Please roll this back or adapt it so that we can select skyriding or steady flight for mounts/forms individually.


Ohhh my poor dears now…you didn’t think you’d get dismount to change which flight you can use…isn’t it sweet …you can use Dynamic flying right off the bat when TWW goes live.

But for us poor smucks that have big issues with dynamic flight have to either hurt our selves and use dynamic flight or hoof beat it with ground mounts till we can do flipping Pathfinder stuck on Steady Flying ,AGAIN.


Forcing anything is wrong in a MMORPG. MMORPG is about choices.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It doesn’t matter if the new flying is super better compared to the old one…

Locking the old flight behind pathfinder is pure hubris and petty. Whoever is doing this needs to get over themselves and accept players need choices.

99% of the time I’ll be scootin’ around on my zippy sky riding dynamic flight mount. If someone else needs static flying so they don’t spew chunks at the screen OR even if that’s what they prefer… so be it! There’s nothing wrong with options.


Pathfinding is just filler and lazy development.


It is very unprofessional how they are communicating with the WoW community on this important topic.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Couldn’t agree more…

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Pathfinder is literally to do the leveling campaign. It isn’t to do the Armies of Legionfall or Mechagone/Nazjatar rep grinds, complete 500 world quests, clear every dungeon, literally just play through the 70-80 storyline once. If the expansion story is something you consider filler, that’s your decision to make I suppose, but calling the leveling storyline lazy development is just false


What about passenger riding?

You can enable that as one of the right-hand nodes on the skyriding talent tree (you can get there from the collections tab for mounts). It is a free choice node alongside Whirling Surge or Lightning Surge (the Gryphon skyriding skill from before the patch)

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I did, it doesnt show up for ashes of alar or Invincible. only the DF dragons.