Take Flight with the Dragonflight Trial!


50% off 3 days before launch
now this free trial?

the numbers must be very small. Sadge

maybe think about going back to MMORPG and less Fortnite design and you might win some former customers back.


Not to mention in some countries -like mine- the expansion is super pricey.

I’d rather spend that much money in 3 to 5 AAA games.

In fact, my biggest regrets on gaming purchases over the last 6 months have been Victoria 3 and a 6 month wow sub (which I bought because they were raising the price where I live and played for less than a month).

Plus, what I’ve seen so far sucks. No free trial will make me buy an expansion I didn’t feel any interest at all from the get go.

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What could be more wow than dragons?

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Why do you have to have flying dracthyr on the splash. :pensive:

No thanks. Nu-wow is awful especially with all the furries and scalies you hired. Sticking to classic :^)


You’re bonkers.

I said the multiple sales promotions are making it look like Dragonflight sales did not meet expectations. I never said Dragonflight would kill WoW. (I’ve actually never said anything would kill WoW.)

But you know what? If Dragonsflight’s sales are so bad that Blizz has to launch three promotions in three weeks, then the folks that said BFA and Shadowlands could kill WoW were not blowing smoke.

Dragonflight is a good expansion (thus far). It has problems, but nothing like the problems with Shadowlands. If Blizzard can’t get it into the hands of players though, it won’t matter how good it is.

If YOU care about this game and want it to succeed, why don’t you get some friends to start playing it instead of making wild conjecture about people’s posts on the forums?


I made an Evoker earlier today and ran into the issue with rare mobs phasing out and resetting when they’re just moved a bit out of their initial spawn. Evoker starting class feels incredibly more clunky than any other class starting out (IMO). I managed to get to level 62 or so and I just couldn’t level it any further.

Where is the horde? Where is the Alliance? This is a Dreamworks version of WoW.

I played BFA for about half of the xpac, I did try SL for a small bit but did not like the zones or the xpac in general so I quit. Have not purchased the Dragonflight xpac because I am real cautious now with Blizz after those two. But I welcome this trial to see how it actually is and I will try it. I did like the character creation, although it kicked me out once because I was taking too long LOL.

I did not want to play SL at all and I only had a couple characters that were over 50 out of several (many) alts. I saw that you could level to 60 through Chromie time and pushed them around SL to 60. Mostly through Wrath.

Will see how this goes, but still not set on purchasing it as of yet, but will give it an honest look.


Hell, horde and alliance haven’t mattered for most of wow’s life.

It’s very clear you’re desperate for players. My sub runs out tomorrow at 5pm and i intend to stay unsubbed 90% of the time until scaling in old content is fixed. I used to stay subbed through content luls because of old content farming, without that why be here. I leveled a character to 67 seeing the main story then stopped because i know gearing is pointless with shifting goal posts.

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated::dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
:exploding_head: :partying_face: :exploding_head:

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I’m glad that I’m getting a chance to see what all the dragonriding fuss is about before I spend any money on the xpac. I got all the glyphs last night. I am not enjoying dragonriding at all so far. We’ll see how it goes over the course of the trial period.

I bought it gave it a try I already knew I’d have issues but gave them a chance regret it now with them just staying quiet on regular flying should of done been out.


Ion has left a bad taste for many or even most players.
Until he stops with his controlling ways
or better yet, steps aside, I doubt players are going to return in droves for knowing that he’s just luring them in to 
 run them off again soon enough.

Im already irritated that one tent toy (Gnoll tent) thats ugly as homemade sin has a good uptime and CD, while the better tent toy (Expedition tent) I paid 40,000 gold for has a trash CD/uptime ratio.
ZERO sense at all on that one
its a flipping tent toy. make them both EXACTLY the same for 
But this is Ion and crew we’re talking about. Bent on irritating paying customers for no good reason whatsoever.


i didnt like BFA at all and the wife and I both hated SL.
But we’re both loving the hell out of DF so far.
Not sure if that is any indication, though. Depends on what your game is like. We’re both casuals who dont really worry about gear too much

I kinda hope DF is doing badly, maybe next expansion we can get some player housing at long last.

Unless you play Dracthyr then you ride a dragon like every other race just ignore the wings on your back.

Fixed that for you Blizzard.

Gave it a try. Finished the intro and ported to Stormwind confused as to why I did not get to select a faction as per previous additions. Figured out that in my excitement to jump in, I completely overlooked the faction choice at character creation! :crazy_face: My fault. Woopsies. No plans to rerun it on horde though. Was not that captivating for me.

I really want to do the chapter 1 on my warlock to test out what I would actually want to play but cant which negates a large portion of the benefits of the trial for me. Wish this trial worked on all the classes. So alas that will likely be the extent of it for me.

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Exactly my thoughts. Raided WOTLK. Took for Dota 2. MoP didn’t Peak my interest and by then I have moved on. The love of my life appeared and bought me WoD after telling her the good old raid days and the particular uniquess of WoW. Wod was fun, casually raided norm. Legion was the best xpac since WOTLK and drew me in without all the currecny/itemes/too many extras of SL, which lasted about 2 weeks of playing time. BFA was meh. Didn’t raid or end game really. But really digging the changes of Dragonflight. Catering to the new who haven’t played since WOTLK or maybe Legion going easing them in while displaying the dragon flight early to show the dedicated the new mech. Yeah, it’s now as OG Vanilla, Blasted Lands etc, but getting a flying mount right away w/o having to grind it again cuts down on “back and forthing”
and seems like there’s an improved in the economy w/ AH’s being linked to all serves of a faction. IDK much about that. So far, imo opinion as being a casual player atm, startign to find our go by and become engrossed, it might not be as good as Legion but I’ll have to wait experience the raids and rolled out story line to compare.

I think the promotion period is marketing, trying to get the old players a taste w/o cost and not a refelection of the xpac
just #'s of ppl of playing so they tryn to increase population.