Take Era off Seasonal Clients

I just made an ally Breist. Lvl with me

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I know a similar person. Now he inherited it but same idea.

To quote workaholics (It doesn’t matter how successful we’ve become) We are a sweatpants family.


The more you type here, the further you’ve just revealed yourself as an obvious insincere troll.

It’s evident that you’re both apathetic and unknowledgeable about Classic-Era and its community. No longer worth responding to.


Well. I’m a devops engineer for a company that produces a pretty complex web application. I handle deployments and cloud infrastructure every day.

In my free time I do indie game development.

So yeah I’ll go out on a limb and say I know more about code, tech infrastructure, game development, and tech in general, than you ever will.

I don’t know what their backend systems or infrastructure look like, I just know that serving a static game client to about 2000 users (getting that number from you) does not need to be expensive.


Don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with this guy. I think the $ is right, it is a loss leader, they need it up to comply with something, or its a pet project for someone. And maybe all of the above.

That said it can be cheap it can also be super expensive.

I am in a similar position. Although I don’t do anything with game dev. I have had client projects split because companies split into independent entities. And it can be a pita to manage two of the exact same original code base. You would think it would be easy. But they start wanting different things. One wants some feature, but that requires a refactor of base thing. Or they want to keep some old functionality that isn’t possible without a different refactor on the new system. Oh we are updating to the new version of whatever because lts is ending. But that works slightly different because of the previous refactor. Times a few years, different project leaders and budgets. Now you are doing the updates in both, and they are similar but completely independent. Which actually poses a new problem where you think one solution works because it worked in the other one but it doesn’t quite plug and play. Which is all fine if they are both clients that bring in money to support that(or some other business reason).

Corporate tech as I am sure you know has very different rules than an indie game just getting served. They have standards and policies for all that infrastructure they are allowed to use, what its lifecycle, etc.

Which is why I’m guessing they just keep them all on the same base. Push em out. Fix bugs as they can. I do not like it, but I can see a world where they decided it was a good idea.

Edit- and feature can basically be interchanged with microservice, event manager whatever. Conceptually, something that does something. Is always being updated slightly and not always in pace with the other.

Yeah I agree with you,

Like I said, I don’t know how they’re running things, probably a bunch of useless suits skimming off the top as with any corporation.

I’m just saying, I’m confident if there are 2000 people paying 15 a month, it could be made profitable. Maybe not by blizzard, but 30k gross a month is more than enough to pay for the infrastructure for a game that is not being actively developed with that amount of users and could be maintained by one person in my opinion.

Now again, with the suits and the corporate red tape and blizzards incompetence, they probably are losing money.

edit - Also, I’m talking about only classic era, if you add in all their seasonal classic whatever modes, then definitely not. Those should stand on their own profitability wise or be dropped imo.

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We should stop running with this 2000 Era players number just because some troll pulled it out thin air. The actual Era-majority sub number are likely closer to 20k than 2k. In NA, Whitemane has at least 3k concurrently on cross-faction. Mankrik has 2k. Assume similar numbers in EU and you get 10k subs based on concurrent online.

Now, what fraction of total players is peak online? My guess would be around 30%, but conservatively I would say at most 50%. That’s 20k Era subs right there.

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As someone who can potentially relate, I also want to share my tech C level in a meeting impression with you.

“And uhh… what about uh… containers guys? Do we uh… do we have any of those?”

I heard we had a bunch. They like to say ship it, a lot, so I was thinking we could make some of those tiny houses if this all goes belly up.

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At worldbuff time on the whitemane cluster alone you can see nearly 2000 people standing around stormwind, especially on weekends. And that isn’t the whole server, there are still countless others running around leveling zones who aren’t concerned with the worldbuffs.

Yeah, good point. I just didn’t care enough to go research the numbers on my own and their made up number worked for my point.

If it’s 20k subs and only about 30% peak online they should definitely be making some money.

I am right now in Redridge, and when I do /who there are 50 players in my level range alone. This does not include the 5 horde rogues doing their thing tryin to get me, an the numerous 60’s I see pass though doing whatever they’re doning and players outside my level range.

Westfall is also packed, I see a few groups looking for more for Deadmines, and I have joined a few; the “world” is packed full of players. I was in the Dwarf Starting zone earlier today to meet Lazers and it was also active with players I could see running around doin their thing.

Anyone that believes only 2k people online myth; well those players are just trolls, idios, delusional or all of the above.

I kind of want to make an alliance char just to see this, sounds impressive, and or annoyingly laggy. There are a lot standing around in orgr. But I have no idea how many.

When WB’s drop in SW there are so many people that at peak hours it can make my graphics lag… Its kinda insane.

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Ironforge.pro hasn’t updated Era pop numbers since late July but at that time it was 10k US raiders and 7K EU raiders.

Lets just say there is roughly 15-20K Era players.

Currently we are having 3 different servers: modern, progressive classic, and era&seasonal&HC. All of them run independently. To give you a seperate server, they have to clone the entire current classic server and build a new one, which doubles infrastructure and maintainance cost. Next, they have to deal with seasonal server which serves almost no purpose when the seasonals are down. In term of economy, there is no profit in doing so, it’s not like era player number going up or down with or without a new server.
Ironforge.pro shows around 9k active raiding chars on US. Considering a big chunk of players having multiple alts, and playing different wow versions, those who just play another wow version if era didn’t exist, giving 2k to the sub number of who are dead set on era is reasonably generous in my pov.
EU wow and US wow are run by different companies, different staff and devices. Don’t mix them up.

This may be the stupidest thing I have ever read… In terms of difficulty level hosting another client is child’s play. You’re a fool for thinking its complicated, and even dumber if you believe that its complicated because some one “Told you so”.

Have you any idea how many different databases are hosted on Microsoft XBox (Azure)… Or the truly mind blowing number of games on Steam?, Sony, and other platforms? Did you know Blizzard’s server also host other games that are not on Modern WoW engine, and do not share any component of that DB.

Perhaps you forgot in all your ignorance or excuse making or just never knew that in the first place.

Last updated Data for reset from 9 July 2024 to 15 July 2024

Additionally if you knew anything about Era you would know that most raid teams don’t log, and its almost exclusively the Speed clear teams and only the sweatiest of GDKP that log.

Your ignorance of the facts is wholly complete.


Well as I said, typical era players love putting their words into others’ mouth so they can confortably live in their delusion.

What I can say about this ? Even the last website that gives any updated info about era doesn’t give a crap about it anymore. So you think Era is thriving or dying from that July ?

Blizz went the route they did because it would be easier for them. They are on record as saying the didnt want to run multiple MMOs and while we have a handful of varieties, its essentially what they are doing.

From that we could extrapolate that its also less expensive which was probably factored in to that decision making process.

Avillager has a point in that Era is more than likely a very low priority for them in comparison to everything else for both financial and logistical reasons. Given everything that has transpired its hard to argue against.

They could probably very easily and cost effectively put out a round of 1.12 set it and forget it Era servers but for whatever reason they’re not interested. That’s all that really needs to be said.

Yup, after its running the only upkeep is backing up the DB and structure on schedule; its basically zero effort.