Take blue eyes away from blood elves

yooo purple eyes tho gimme

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Take away our race from Alliance that was give to them and we will take the blue eyes from Blood elves fair?

Both lose the things they stole.

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Other than the fact that the name change was to venerate their past after a massive disaster, not cut themselves off from it.


Race would be defined as (I will give rl human examples )

White, Black , Hispanic , Native American

People of the same race can have similar origins but be considered different nationalities and that is what Helfs,Belfs and Velfs basically are different nationalities but they are still the same race.

Yes we changed our nationality not our race .

The founding fathers change from British to American they never changed their race becasue their race was white.

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speaking for myself i would gladly throw back an eye color(that we should have anyway) if we could get the skin tones back and be unique again

its a damn eye color. it was not worth what blood elves and the horde gave up

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stay mad luv

i love seeing trolls lose

It’s almost like cringe leads like these are nothing productive and make you view your community like children more and more :eye:

And that’s why I’m flying around pew pew pewing things in a galaxy far far away instead of checking out prepatch yet

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I wouldn’t mind a bit more chonk, to be honest.

More elven whining.
Give it a rest already.


Wait it’s not common thought that I’m a part of them, right? I think I’m just being an airhead right now because I don’t get it :stuck_out_tongue:

I took it as the wow community as a whole

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Lol not what i was hinting at that.

Just saying these threads are nothing productive and just teach people to despise what you’re wishes are more and more.

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shhhhhh, it will be over soon.

Ohhhhh yeah

Wow I’m out of it tonight, I need to go to bed

Yup accurate, and yeah I didn’t think so, I just wanted to make sure!

Void elves are all, want want want want want… Poor Nightborne over there, crying in one of their 3 face options, and other excessively limited customization.

Did any other Allied race get changes today besides Void Elves?

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Right! We literally had our whole race stolen and yet these guys have the nerve to complain about the color of an eye being stolen?


They belonged to the blood elves before they even called themselves blood elves, and I believe it was stated that they would eventually get the blue back someday, so it’s only fair that they finally did.

An irrelevant faction of NPCs that has only played a major or semi-major role in the middle of four expansions is not an excuse to screw over belves and belf players. They might as well not even be used anymore now that the velves have replaced them as the belves’ foil.

All 20 of them?

It’s always the insipid pro-helfer argument of “blue eyes belong to high elves!!!” that they would bring into every single thread that was asking for blood elves to get blue eyes, which always felt like an “If I can’t have it, you can’t, either” thing. Now we’re at the inverse, where belves got their blue eyes but OP wants Blizzard to roll it back after it’s already in the game.
Next, you’ll want to take blue eyes from undead and DKs, too.

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I approve of this. Purple is arcane. High Elves use Arcane. Makes sense.