Blood elf dk have always had blue eyes.
Its you and the HEFA crowd that don’t understand that your head canon =/= lore.
High Elves left the Alliance in WC3 and became a Neutral faction once more. Void Elves are no longer HE’s because of the void taint. That leaves the ONLY playable HE’s on Horde side.
Get over it.
Orly? Let’s check that canon…
You wanna try that again? LOL
Still wondering why they decided to let blood elves be black
Nothing about it in the Lore.
More virtue signaling from Activision.
As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race
Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves. In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.