Take blue eyes away from blood elves

Blue eyes are for high elves, of which there are none in the horde. Ion can be as ignorant about lore as he wants, it doesn’t make him right. Canonically they should not have blue eyes. Silver Covenant still exists, and the high elves belong to the Alliance


Not sunday yet bud



I am disappoint.




I’ve got news for you High elves now have Purple eye colours, not blue, and neither faction can have these particular set of eyes.


Take the fat from Kul Tirans and give it back to the Pandaren.


Take burgers from Kul Tiran and they’re pretty much nothing.


nooooo don’t take the bwue eyes pwease 0w0

Blood elves and Void Elves are High Elves .

They are all from the same place Quel’thalas and do we need another thread like this.

Alliance finally got the option to make their Thalasian elves have white skin and blue eyes . Are you really that bored that this thread had to be made.


They aren’t high elves. If we went that route all elves are night elves.

Doesn’t mean that’s a problem. People just need to accept it.

…and not even black or white hair colors

Nevermind blonde

Using normal skin colors with grey-blue-green hair and blue eyes is…interesting.

I really wanted purple eyes it’s my favorite color. Why does blizzard give npc all the good stuff

Blood elves are high elves :relaxed:.

There is an evolution between Highborne and High Elves though. In every way all Thalassian Elves are the same. Except hair and politics. :smile:

High Elves don’t exist as a character customization option for Alliance. FFS, Void Elves can’t even be blond.

I agree with this in principle, as well as the content of your post. The Alliance is the best faction and Thalassians should be part of the Alliance first and foremost.

But, man, now that the pre-patch has hit, I don’t even feel like playing an Alliance High Elf. Everyone’s standing around in Stormwind being diverse and ERPing and stuff. Ugh. Disgusting. It’s just not for me. I’ve had to play on the red team for so long that I almost prefer lording over all the sub-elven races who make Orgrimmar the stinky shanty town that it is.

Maybe taking blue eyes away from Blood Elves would fix the issue. You’re right, Abhainn.

Yes they are .

Blood elves just changed their name to honor their fallen . As for the green eyes that was from the fel crystals they used as power sources not from consuming fel. In cannon they are no longer used . They are only a game mechanic kind of like Under city is plague bombed but you can still level a new toon there if you choose not to use Exiles reach and Chromie time.

No :heart:

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So what? different culture, different race. Blood elves and high elves have deviated in their ways and both consider themselves other people.

This is like saying americans are still British.

Elves are supposedly living beings. Therefore they should have actual eyes with whites, irises, and pupils, not glowing orbs or laser beacons.