Take blue eyes away from blood elves

Is not a title is the name of the race. Blood elves are different from high elves. Even Blizzard has made a point of this in the nightborne storyline where Elisande adresses sin’dorei and quel’dorei separatedly.

Silver Covenant represents all the “high elves” about as much as the old Garrosh horde in his little SoO raid represented all the orcs. Loyalty wise anyways. Stop crying and accept that the elves live in their capital city as opposed to the non-existent “silver covenant” city.


I kind’ve stopped caring as long as void elves get jet black/pure white hair, red hair maybe, and ear options with some stuff like void scars and unique void related things and some normal hair tones/styles in 9.2 or so. Let people have fun and customize with less restrictions.

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No for gameplay reasons, it is a race in the game. It is not the race in lore. They are still High Elves, biologically. The title is just for honoring the fallen. Sin’dorei just is the Thalassian word for Blood Elves which is acknowledging the blood spilled of our High Elf brethren.

It’s not a title, it’s the name of the race. Yes I know why they changed it, that doesn’t change the fact that they indeed changed it.

Biology has nothing to do here. Literally no one in lore says “quel’dorei” or “high elves” when referring the sin’dorei anymore. Only players keep trying to do that.

Yeah, it wouldn’t be so bad if it was just:

“Hey! Can we also get [x]? I’d really appreciate that being added to the game, that’s my feedback!”

As opposed to:

“[x] race got this, it should be taken away. We should get everything right this second, it’s unfair and bias that we aren’t, [x] doesn’t belong in [x] faction because of my baseless and ridiculous beliefs, we need everything before [x] and everyone else.”

Like… ask for what you want without putting others down. It’s that simple.

Threads like this and similar show that apparently such a concept isn’t that straightforward for some.

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Cringe Helf thread #214019247142097142019427


It’s the name of the race in game for distinction purposes. For gameplay reasons. That’s what you are getting tripped up on. There is no way to change your race just by changing your name. It’s symbollic, that’s it. Biology has everything to do with it. No one would say Quel’dorei or High Elves, because of the symbollic renaming.

Sure in trade for runic tatoos, ranger tatoos, and scars.

I have a void elf hunter as my alliance mage and when all this happened months a go I swore I would keep her blueberry because of how childish a lot of people were acting and are still acting as this thread has shown .

The way some alliance act , if I didn’t want to see the game from both factions point of view I would delete my alliance toons.

sure, i don’t mind if you take the blue eyes from us. after all the green and gold look has been pretty iconic for belfs for a while now.
but while your at it, take away all the blood elf skin tones from the velfs, they aren’t “high elves” either by your logic, they are void elves. the handful of high elves that remain are in the silver covenant and non-playable.
no reason why void elves should be allowed to hide their corrupted nature.


i cant believe blizzard caved to these people


It’s not symbolic. It’s official. Since warcraft III, before WoW, in the books in every piece of lore.

We’re not talking about species here so biology is meaningless.

Oh yeah, I have 0 interest in high elves. To me, personally? Incredibly boring. I like void elves. They could do a bit better with their lore (really wish they were more fleshed out in Legion) but I like the concept and style.

Yeah I’m never changing my void elves myself, in fact I really wish they got more void options (not a fan of tentacles, but things like starry black eyes, multiple eyes, claws, and just various monster mutations).

I can’t get into the alliance faction myself either, it just… is so bland to me. (yes ironic coming from a blood elf player but I don’t like how bland they’ve turned either.) Worgen and void elves (and in some ways, night elves) have some interesting things about them though.

Did you mean to reply to me or just quote them? Got the notification and was confused.

Weird. Bugged forums.

Ah ok! Just clarifying! Thanks!

It is symbollic. Biologically we are the same. The species is Elf. The race is High Elf, the symbollic name for High Elves that honor their fallen brethren is Blood Elves. That’s the lore.

That’s why we physically have some of the same features and customizations. We are the same. Just different politically. They ally with the Alliance, us with the Horde.


No is not symbolic, their prince changed their name same way as americans changed officially their nationality. It’s100% official and it was one of the points of contention with those who wished to remain as Helves.

And look at your second paragraph, you are describing a them vs us therefore showing they are both different groups of people.

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No change of biology occurred.


The reason people that want to remain as Helves is a different distinction than race. It has to do with who they ally with. And syphoning power. Some Helves did not want to continue to depend on the well. Some did not want to follow Kael.

The us vs. them has to do with faction.