Take blue eyes away from blood elves

Different culture, not a different race. The difference is like your family voting differently than you. Or having different opinions.

It’s not like Americans and British. That’s hundreds of years. This is a couple decades long.

And Lady Liadrin and Lor’themar were High Elves before the renaming. It’s just a name.

No, it makes sense for them to have it, Paladins and Priest, due to the cleansing of the Sunwell are getting golden eyes, other classes that aren’t Warlocks/Hero classes are getting blue eyes again, not hard to understand.


What is a race in WoW? Kul’tirans and stormwindians are considered a different race.

Race in a fantasy setting is just the a denotation to a particular group of people who now hold completely different beliefs. We’re not talking species here.

I couldn’t care less about the blue eyes and have no interest in them, but posts like this make it so tempting to make a blood elf character with blue eyes just to mock the entire mentality surrounding “Oh no blood elves took mah eyes horde shouldn’t have blood elves or blue eyes” nonsense.


all elves are trolls*

and since we do not know origins of trolls - they’re the latest point

Races in WoW are a thing for the game. They don’t reflect the lore.

Except that they talk about races in lore. But either way blood elves do not consider themselves high elves and vice versa and since we can talk about both groups and know what we’re talking about then it’s clear it’s two different definitions of people.

No they haven’t the blood elves and what you call high elves fought along side each other as friends and family . All of the Blood elves were considered High Elves until after Arthas swept through Silvermoon on his way to the Sun Well.

The leader of the Belfs was a HiGH Elf ranger commander under Sylvanas.

All 3 Helf, Belf and Velf consider Quel’thalas their home.

The belfs didn’t stop being high elfs they just changed what they are called as an act of honoring their fallen comrades .

No we would not call ourselves High Elves. But that is the race. The Belf name is to honor the fallen. That’s how it is in lore.

I’m also more powerful in game as a warrior then I would be in lore.

Yeah let’s do that, but we got to use a hot spoon for it though.

Seeing as we have blue eyes, and it’s in the game, it would be a fact that the only playable high elves are in the Horde.

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You sir, are the ignorant one.

That’s ok. People get confused sometimes.

Blood Elves are high elves. All they did was change their name to honor the dead.


really want to trigger them do blue eyes and blond hair .


Therefore stopping being high elves.

If they changed their name they are no longer high elves.

Oh trust me, that was a thought too. Granted, I’m not against them getting various hair colors (as long as blood elves also get void elf hair styles w/o tentacles in exchange).

But my gods, some people like OP and certain others in this thread just make me tempted to be that petty.

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If I get married and change my name, does that change my race?

And what were the fallen? What were our brethren that we honor?

Yes I know why they changed their name, the point is, they changed it, but the actual high elves preserved it. Therefore blood elves stopped being high elves.

It doesn’t change your race, but it changes your name.

Blood elves changed the name of their race renaming it sin’dorei therefore changing their race. The Quel’dorei decided not to do it and identify themselves as is. therefore there’s 2 groups sin and quel, and you know well those are different.

Omg another one of these posts. Bro. Don’t you have anything better to do than complain about eyes of a players character

Thing is we’ve gone how long without one of these threads and everyone knew all of the Helf base elves were getting blue eyes and today they are triggered.

Can these people do their virtual signaling outside of the game.


Still wrong. It doesn’t change the race, it changes to the new honorary title. Renaming does not change someone’s race. That is impossible.

You say it both does and doesn’t change our race. It does not change the race.