There are any number of reasons for which it is not fair. Suck it up, buttercup.
And what would those be?
Now don’t go getting unhinged on me bud.
Gear differences. Players with one trinket is my favorite.
Players who refuse to buy consumables or eat feasts beforehand.
Players who refuse to buy phials or potions, or refuse to use them.
Players who want to go fishing.
Players who want to afk on noob hill.
And on, and on, and on.
But it was fair because it could be on both sides. But with you guys exploiting you change that, making it unfair for people that aren’t exploiting. The fact that you can’t comprehend such simply logic is hilarious honestly.
We aren’t exploiting. We’re just showing pugs that they need to work harder.
So, raids can queue into random bgs? Oh, wait no they can’t. So, by doing that you are exploiting. Anyways I’m not going to bother keeping this bs going with you anymore. You can keep lying and gaslighting all you want, facts over feelings.
Clicking the queue button at the same time is allowed.
You aren’t just don’t that though. And blizzard themselves said they don’t like people queue syncing and don’t want people doing it. But you don’t care about that fact.
Clicking the ‘Leave Queue’ button doesn’t get everyone into the same instance, in fact it removes players from the instance.
The only way to get people into the same instance is to click the queue button. And it doesn’t even need to be at the exact same time.
A couple things based on observation here:
- I no longer have visibility into objective data. None of the sites capturing bg win rates by faction are still operating that I know of (pls lmk if anyone knows of any)
- While premades are definitely an issue, it’s overdiagnosed on top of that. Sometimes people are just better than you fair and square
- I see a lot of people saying things like “horde hasn’t won in 2 weeks”. What they really mean is “I haven’t been on a Horde team that’s won in 2 week”, but that’s still really concerning to hear
Ideas on how to fix it:
- Put premades in a separate queue pool, like when people have mismatched rankings in OW. Solo queuers only queue with other solo queuers, or maybe premades below a certain size (e.g. the dude and his wife queuing together is fine- your whole top 500 RBG team is not). Hopefully the game population is high enough for this to be viable.
- Much, much harsher afk and leaving penalties. Even with premades, a lot of these are still perfectly winnable, people just give up after a single death and make the problem way worse
- Total ban on sync manipulation, but add a way to do full premade 40v40s. I’ve always thought it would be fun to do epic guild verse guild battles like that, but all that ever happens is what OP’s complaining about.
Also, love the name OP that’s hilarious
They tried separate queues in SoD, premades were the only groups who got into games, solo queues blew out to hour long queues. And it wouldn’t really work, premade communities would just start queuing as solo players.
The only real way to change it would be cross faction queues.
Permanent Mercenary mode. Anyone who queues could be placed on either side of the battlefield. It would allow better healer balancing. It would mean faster queues. It would smooth out any perceived faction balance per map.
Random BG means random map, not teamless players. 5 or less people knowing eachother and grouping before they queue is normal.
In Solo BG, pairing up to queue together (1 healer and 1 dps, or 2 healers) is allowed, but you expect to see most dps queued solo.
Or stack 11 healers like you lmao.
You are like the boomer who bought his stuff for 30k being like JUST. WORK. HARDER!.
In a situation that is similarly rigged to coincidentally.
I see you’ve just completely given up on saying I’m wrong about random referring to map selection and changed to… Whatever that was
you think blizzard is the type of parent to give in because the children are whining?
you’ll eventually cry yourself to sleep,
And leaves games half full or less. Making games unfair for others.
Nobody is whining. They game mode is dying and people want action taken so it doesn’t.
its too bad “people” dont go workshop instead of a teamfight.
its too bad it has to be explained why sending a few players to bt instead of a teamfight is necessary.
“people” are treating bgs like target dummies but with a reward for losing.
Ya those “people” are the sync exploiters.
the premades are killing the rain forest