Nobody but theadreu agrees with you. That is not something you want
Ya he did lol he’s such a coward. Most of the sync cheaters have because I have destroyed their arguments to many times.
Let’s not pretend you have been educating anyone bud HAHAHAHA
i mean they only qoute the one blue post who says 1,2,3 isnt cheating…they hang their hat on that. otherwise they are just spineless cowards
Oh ya lol I even proved that one wrong and they get super upset.
well yeah…thats their go-to for existing
FFS bob post already you been typing for 10 minutes
I don’t even know what they’re arguing. Like what is the definition of “random” if not the map?
Their definition so far:
Ilvl can be whatever
Composition can be whatever
Each team has equal amount of players - so definitely not random
Each team generally has the same amount of healers unless a healer declines queue - so definitely not random
rating can be anything
I’m probably missing things, and we’re supposed to figure this out from reading the word “random” in “random battleground”? I’m going to assume all this by reading a tooltip on what this activity is?
My definition:
Random refers to random map selection
Seems pretty easy to understand what the word “random” in “random battleground” when you read that
I mean them arguing random means their opponents undercuts whatever they’re babbling about too since I can randomly queue against them with a full 10 man premade on voice comms.
It’s like 2 monkeys slapping each other on the back when they post.
Ill say it again
you que synching into 10 man random bgs using discord. you got my vote superman. take fat bob with ya
What are you going to do about it? Rage on the forums? LOL
No, we are going to be better players because we don’t have to exploit to win. Stay mad and bad kiddo.
nah man i dont even do non rated. im just messin around. i like it when you qoute the blue post…can you do that again for me please. me love you long time
For someone who doesn’t do non-rated you sure have a lot of built up anger and a lot to say about epic bg premades etc.
you guys are trash. exploiters. cheaters. you arent pvp players.
Here comes the “you’re not allowed to say anything if you don’t spam bg’s all day” excuse HAHAHA
I’m PvPing you and your friends though and getting the W. Apparently that makes me a PvPer.
you cheat and xploit. you arent a pvp player. you are a cheater and an exploiter. that makes you scum
HAHAHAHAHAHA keep up with that wishful thinking kiddo