Take Action against Premades

Oh ok so all the classes and experience levels and gear are all pre calculated and every thing?? Makes perfect fn sense

Told you twice already

No, it means it’s luck of the draw. Literally means nothing about team composition.

Oh and by luck of the draw….random?

Pay attention right here fat bob

Pay attention to the words (specific) battlegrounds and random battlegrounds.

You don’t seem to be understanding here so I will spell it out for you. Nowhere does it say that the random specially means anything at all, we are simply interpreting it on our own way.

That’s just your interpretation of it not what it actually is.

You really like hitting the nerves of these little Que synchers dontcha lol

Keep up the good work

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Cool so if it means nothing, feel free to point out where I can queue for specific maps in rated pvp, since it doesn’t exist as an option in the UI and only in unrated pvp.

If it had anything to do with your team makeup and your opponents’, then logically the option would exist across the spectrum.

If it has nothing to do with your team comp or your opponent’s why can’t you queue as a full raid?

So you realized you can’t give a straight answer to my question so you’re just going to move the goal posts now? Lmfao

I gave an answer… you ignored it lol
Also, what’s up with this new “moving the goalpost” thing you sync exploiters have been oppressed with lately? See it on CNN?

Wow I forgot I was responding to this clown on another toon. I was wondering why I didn’t have him blocked already.

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Yikes running already huh bud?

Answer the question. Where can you specific queue for random warsong gulch, random arathi basin, random eye of the storm etc

Stop ignoring the question

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LOL ya. Did he go into “prove it” mode? Does that every time he’s losing an argument

The answer: No where because “random” bgs means the maps 3000 posts into the thread.

i never said you could que random wsg. you can specific que them but the players, gear, epxerience level will all be random! fat boi

The fact that any of these sync queue clowns are even still allowed on the forums proves how completely useless the mods are on here HAHAHA

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Cool but that’s not what “random” BG means in the context of the UI. Which is what the entire argument is about.

Thaedreu don’t bother replying. I have you blocked so I don’t lose any brain cells reading your stupid posts.

And what I said was random refers to the map selection. If it didn’t refer to the map selection, there would be options to specific queue for random maps. There isn’t an option, so you’re wrong

You made up your own definition of what they meant by random which is incorrect