Take Action against Premades

I’m not going to join some “community” to exploit the game.

No I watched it happen. Stop lying to try and save face.

Classic confirmation bias.

Don’t use words you don’t understand. Provide proof or move along.

You don’t understand, they want it to be cheating, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing, it has to be cheating.

It just has to be.

Or they’ve wasted all this time.

They aren’t going to do anything which may jeopardize their own beliefs.

They won’t accept anything which has the chance to change their mind.

They will refuse to investigate at all, if that protects their beliefs and they don’t understand that that is exactly what confirmation bias does.


Ok, whatever.

You want to throw around uninformed accusations thats your problem. I offered you a very clear opportunity to find out for yourself that there is no exploit. That there is no magic addon thats skirting ournd the 5 man limit. That its literally folks in unison doing 1…2…3…click, but you refuse to budge off your position. At this point I honestly think that you’re afraid that if you did look into it you might actually realize that you’re wrong and that fraglile little ego of yours couldn’t handle it. If you want to stay willfully ignorant, again, thats your problem. But do me a favor, don’t call me or others liars when you have no basis for it what so ever.

Good day, sir.

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This thread’s still going? Must be bored not having War Within I guess.


yet you haven’t provided any proof. Keep deflecting bud it’s really making you look good.

To forums are a distraction sometimes, but I have one toon to 80 and another to 78, so far.



Typical haha

Ironic that a person that resorts to sync premading against pugs and refuses to fight other premades calls someone else out for having a fragile ego.


These people have hugely inflated ego’s stomping pugs, if/when blizzard fixes this mess it’s going to be glorious watching them either cry or leave.

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As long as there are Que synch cheaters there will be people that oppose what they do

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Yeah, we can call it what is: spamming


Oh hai there got any big plans for your cheating community today?

Do you want change or do you want punishment? The oppressors have always tried to convince the oppressed that their order is correct, if we in turn use their tactics we become the aggressors and not the victims. Blizzard should be deeply ashamed for allowing things to go this long and this far, that needs to be our message.

Anyone ever seen soul priest in a game?

Ya I have played with him. Why do you ask?

They don’t “play” epics so probably not.

Why does it matter if they don’t play epics? Epics are dying and bleeding players.