Take Action against Premades

You never did rated did ya? I’m not being elitist I’m telling ya the fact…we can’t use gliders or flasks or feasts. So we learnt to PvP without them. I’m not saying dont or only wimps use it…I’m just sayin rated players wouldn’t even think to use them mainly because they aren’t needed

I did, all through MoP and SL.

Mop was the last season of the golden era of PvP.
Look man I ain’t bustin chops I admire your stance in your Que synching. I can respect you think it’s not cheating but you need to also respect people think it is. That’s all there is to it. You carry on and crush some nerds in ebgs man

I totally get it. It feels like it when you’re on the other side, I’ve been there.

People can think what they like. But it isn’t, currently, cheating.

You and others may get Blizzard to change their policy, I wouldn’t hold my breath over it though.

They won’t even change the method of flying while leveling in TWW and there are vastly more players in the PvE forums complaining about it. (I don’t care, in case someone wants to know my opinion on it, I like dragonriding).

You guys really still goin at it? Cmon now


Just make friends.

We have friends. What does that have to do with anything?

Queue up with your friends.


This guy gets it.

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Alright enough you 2, get back to leveling instead of bickering all night!

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I do. We just don’t exploit. Again, what does that have to do with anything?

In all seriousness. I feel as if you have a lot of misconceptions about the the whole premade thing.

I think you should put your biases aside for one day, join one of the communities, and que up with the group to experience what actually happens. I personanally think it would change your mind about the whole “exploit” “cheating” thing. If you did that and you still think it’s an exploit, fair enough. At least you got to see for yourself. But I honestly think you would come away thinking differently.

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Not going to join in on it. I have seen it done it’s a sad pathetic way to stack the odds in your favor to get free easy wins. How about these “communities” just play fair?

How exactly did you see it done? Did you participate in a sync que before? If so how long ago?..and if you did see it done, what did they do exactly to que up? Explain the process as you saw it.

Like I said I feel as if you have some misconceptions. You are on here arguing against premades a lot, yet other than being on the “other” side, I don’t think you have any real perspective of what actually goes on. So again, I would invite you to put your bias aside and give it a try. See what shakes after that.

The way I’ve seen it done, and the same way many others I’m sure have seen it done here, is that you have multiple 5 man groups and the leaders of each group coordinate with each other, be it through discord, in game community chat, etc. to queue at the same time (usually for epic BGs).

Whenever they get a pop, they’ll call out they got one. If they all received a pop at the same time or very similar time, they’ll take the queue. If not, they’ll drop and try again. In the event they drop, it kinda screws over their faction because now they might be waiting for backfills for those who left the queue and have the possibility of starting a BG with less players than the enemy.

Sure, some communities won’t drop the queue and will take the queue regardless and hope they all receive the same pop up… But fact remains that there are others who do it and ruin it for everyone.

Personally I don’t think people should be punished for it, but rather they do need to stop synced premades. Regular 5 man premades are fine. Force cross faction BGs and maybe even stagger queue pops along with more prep time in a BG to adjust for staggering.

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They need to up how many people can queue together based off the total number of players per bg. 5 players for 10v10, shouldn’t be 5 for a 15v15 and also 40v40. That’s silly. One bg you can have a premade for 50% but others is 33% or even 12%. Why can’t we have a system for Epic where we can get 20 without this countdown nonsense?


I have watched Inemae do it lol he doesn’t even do a countdown. It’s all lies from sync exploiters. You guys are bottom feeders that can’t win fair combat. You guys even dodge each other. Legit terrible players.

Of course there is a countdown. It’s in the chat which they probably block during a stream.

So, like I was saying, misconceptions and assumptions.

I’m not trying to argue with you here. I really think you should actually try it and see what is actually happening.

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Prove it. Because it’s to quick for any countdown to be done.

Whatever lie you need I suppose.

There is no argument. Sync exploiting is bad for the game. I would never exploit and ruin the game for other players. Maybe you should try playing fair for once.

Trying to. Do what I suggested and see for yourself. I guarantee there was a silent countdown in chat. Otherwise you’re just making assumptions about something you don’t fully understand.