Take Action against Premades

What is it you want us to believe? That you aren’t a cheater because some blue post?
I PvP. For a long time now. I’ve seen all kinds of cheaters and loopholes over the years.
You can use this blue post to justify Que syncing and ruining non rated bgs by excessive advantage by skirting rules. But just because you believe that what you’re doing isn’t harmful doesn’t mean anyone else does.
You havent said one relevant statement about why que synch communities should be openly accepted. Because, regardless of your little blue post or your own desire to be accepted as a PvP player…:you aren’t. You are a cheater, exploiter, with no integrity regarding fair play.

I don’t need your approval. I’m not looking for you approval. I haven’t asked for you approval.

I am, technically, neither, because the judge doesn’t think that I am.

I don’t care that you think I am, you aren’t the judge.

lol then why this insistence that you continually post to me and Frey. You are trying to justify everything you say with a meaningless blue post and making statements that we are wrong in our thinking. But yet you don’t care right?

You reply to me, it is only fair that I reply to you, if you don’t want me to talk to you, you can put me on ignore.

Nothing you say will change the fact that you Que synch on discord with large communities all day long. You hoard an advantage over the general demographics of people who aren’t multi queing. It’s unsportsmanlike. Can you tell me why it’s not unsportsmanlike without using your little blue post?

No, nothing you say will change the fact that I queue sync on discord with large communities all day long.

I have been very open about it. I’m not trying to hide it.

Yes, and? It’s an MMO, you get better experiences and rewards when you group with other players. Expecting to get them when you don’t seems odd.

We aren’t playing sport. If you want to play an E-Sport, maybe you should try RBGs, Arena, Overwatch, LoL or DotA2.

PvP is a competitive part it’s called an esport for a reason. This blizz person who posted said it’s not cheating which means they can’t hold people accountable. They also stated they wished people wouldn’t do it. So I never disagreed that the blue post made a declaration . But what it also didn’t say was…that you are unsportsmanlike. It’s an esport. You aren’t cheating by the letter of the law that blizz operates in…doesn’t mean it’s right. All your valid pints are complete garbage. Just like all you little Que aynchers…lacking integrity. Just because blizz said it’s not cheating does t mean it’s not wrong

Only if they’re organized competitions, but you don’t want organized groups to enter, so you want to claim that epics are an E-Sport, until you want to play it, then it’s not.

That makes no sense. Player….versus….player. Every game is organized. Every PvP game is structured. Que synchers will never be accepted as actual PvP players. You are Que synchers. Pvp players don’t try to operate outside of the boundaries of general gameplay. You and me are not the same. I’m a PvP player. You are not

No they aren’t and you want random games, with random players, not organized ones.

No one in epic communities are operating outside of the boundaries.

Groups of 5 click the queue button. That’s the only difference.

Everything else is exactly the same as when you play.

You could try to convince your team to get into in-game voice with you (yes, I know, compared to Discord, it’s dreadful. But no one uses it, if people used it, Blizzard might update it), you can attempt to request that your team doesn’t go fishing in WG, instead of going to SR. You could even try to convince people to buy gliders before they enter a BG. Heck, most epics you can buy them inside the gates.

Epic communities aren’t full of fully geared R1s. They are just regular players. But they eat feasts and buy gliders. And agree with a strategy rather than complaining that it might take longer than 5 minutes. I don’t think I’ve ever been in one which even did target calling, or required people to use the target calling function of BGE, or even required BGE.

So teams are assembled…map selected…timers…. Objectives put in place? Nothing is structured it’s just a free for all?

Our teams are assembled. Yours is just thrown together.

Whoa whoa whoa you can’t just lump EVERYONE that plays epics in the same catagory as you. Lots of epic players play with integrity. Lots of epic players are PvP players…you are not

The vast majority of pugs are exactly as I described. There are a few good players, but you are vastly outnumbered by the players who don’t even know what a glider is.

lol is that measure of a good PvP player? Their glider usage?

No, it’s a measure of their preparedness.

Ohh ok. Gotcha. Yes… you sound like a good boy scout. Be prepared. Thise gliders….super important

Eating feasts, also important.

When buying gear, don’t buy one trinket and a weapon, but both trinkets instead, to get the set bonus… also important.

Be prepared to have to play PvP when you enter a battleground, not rush to the boss to get the game over as fast as possible… That would be nice.

Don’t leave as soon as you die. Death happens, you can come back from it.

These are all the things that the vast majority of pugs do not do.

Haha vast majority of players like me don’t need flasks or gliders to change the game.
I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of epics but I know how to PvP …never mess with a man who glides. That’s my rule

No one needs them, but they help. And you’d be crazy to not have them if they’re available to the opponent.