Take Action against Premades

That is one guys opinion comparted to an official blizzard statement. You lose sorry bud.


Two, across 12 years. Rules have not changed.

Neither of those are official blizzard statements. If some random person that works for the government says he doesn’t think stealing is wrong does that magically make stealing not wrong?

Not if the random person who works for the government isn’t charge of communicating policies and laws with the population.

Well neither of those people are lol and sure took you a long time to come up with that excuse.

Sorry, I’m also playing TWW.

It shows you typing bud lol

It shows when I have the window open, in editing. It doesn’t actually show me typing.

lol you did a lot of “editing” and it doesn’t show when the window is open. Only shows you are typing. Why lie?

It stays open, I’m using my other screen, windows reports that I’m still using my keyboard.

… no it doesn’t dude lol

It does. Do you know how windows reports keyboard usage and how websites track said usage?

Just stop dude haha you are making a fool out of yourself again.

Nah, I’m fine.

Anyway, back to the original issue.

The Forum Agents are the official representatives on the forums for Blizzard, they aren’t allowed to just give their opinions on policy decisions. Same as GMs, they have to toe the company line. Have you never worked for a corporate entity before?


This doesn’t mean whatever they say is fact.

Clearly this is wrong.

Not the same as GMs whatsoever.

Clearly, he doesn’t because he said something incorrect. Have you ever defined exploiting in video game terms?

It is only incorrect in your opinion.

You don’t get to just ignore the SFAs if you don’t like what they have to say.

Nope, it’s incorrect according to blizzard. You are the only one with an opinion, the same opinion as some random blizzard employe lol

If it doesn’t follow blizzard rules I sure can. Are cops allowed to break the law simple because they are cops?

They are reporting the rules to you. You are ignoring them.

“Nah, that’s a silly rule, my interpretation makes more sense, I’ll go with that”

Like a sovereign citizen.

That would be true if you were right… they are forums manager. not blizzard right hand. Blizzard itself has said sync premade’s are bad for the game and they don’t like them. You are the one ignoring the rules bud. You are so damn delusional.