Take Action against Premades

It’s relevant. So I posted it.

We aren’t doing anything that the judge considers cheating.

Whether you agree with them or not is not my problem.

its not relevant. It’s on persons opinion. you guys use that as gosple

That person is an official representative of Blizzard.

hes one dev. look at the forums…you can obviously see how the community feels. but like i said…if your community ever went away you wouldnt be able to pvp. you arent a real player you are an exploiter of a game system and unsportsman.

He isn’t a Dev. He’s a SFA.

either or. hes one person who made a statement and that excuses all you little que synchers into believing that you are doing everything in fairness but you arent. You are unsportsmanlike and a cheater. thats just how it is man.

He’s an official representative of Blizzard, who is able to inform players of internal policy.

Whether you like the internal policy or not, is not his nor my problem.

well then the good blizz worker has spoken … why you still here? you dont like being called cheater? because calling que-synch exploiters cheaters is not cheating.

Because you keep responding and I’m on the forums because I’m currently playing TWW.

I don’t really care if you really want to be wrong. You’re allowed to be wrong if you want.

how am I wrong? I stand with the community. I’ve never made a single post about que-synchers. I only support the community players against what your doing

Blizzard is the arbiter of the rules. Blizzard, currently, does not consider it cheating.

The community doesn’t make up their own rules. They have to convince the arbiter to change them, then the arbiter makes up their own rules.

just because one person at blizz, no matter how much worship you guys have for this person, means everyone else is wrong

If the community says that it is cheating. Then they are wrong.

Because Blizzard makes the rules.

hahaha ok. so the community should not have a voice. only the blue post, who is your wow god, can speak

I didn’t say that.

I haven’t told anyone to stop posting.

If you think you can convince Blizzard to change the rules, go for it.

gonna take a while. but i think itll happen. you guys just can’t see what your doing to solo que players can you? just blinded by sheer ignorance

The game isn’t centered on solo queue players. As much as you would like it to be. It’s predominantly a group game. You get the best experiences and the best rewards from grouping with other players.

You have RSS and Blitz, but most players seem to think they’re memes.

LFR is a joke, though now you have Story Mode, which is just the final boss of a raid. LFD is the same, you have follower dungeons but they don’t give you anything worth doing it for.

Delves are nice, but you can do them with a full group, so I can’t really lump them in with follower dungeons. They seem to be a sort of mix of dungeon and Torghast. Only done one so far though.

well maybe blizz wont do anything. just like blizz wont do anything when i call que-synchers and cheaters and garbage players.

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I wouldn’t expect Blizzard to stop you from having an opinion, even if it’s wrong.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

Ya blizzard has been very clear.