Take Action against Premades

I can say that it is not, because I have experienced it myself.

So, have I. But the fact is it wasn’t a huge problem till sync exploiters became a huge problem. So, fix the cause and the problem will go away. But you will just continue to lie.

Then your previous statement:

Is, by your own admission, a lie.

I never said people wouldn’t leave I said it wouldn’t keep being a problem if sync exploiters where gone. I swear reading comprehension is impossible for you.

You just hit the real problem. When you queuebup together Blizzard tries to put yuy up against others that do the same thin. Those that then turn around and refuse to fight against another premade and drop queue are what needs to change. They have no respect in the eyes of most premaders

No, you didn’t.

That’s what you said. In response to my saying that:

You don’t get to simply rewrite history if you don’t like the outcome.

Blizzard only does it for one group. If what you claim was true, sync exploiters would always fight each other. Sync exploiting just needs to be fixed period.

Because it is untrue. I never claimed people will never leave… Before sync exploiting became the norm people leaving was rare. Ya you defiantly never even finished high school, make sense you need to exploit in a video game.

Don’t forget the premade community is a lot bigger than pugs know. Should we all stop playing then wait times will be so bad that everyone will decide it isn’t worth playing anymore.

Good thing I never did that. Are you going to go on another lying unhinged rant again?

Ya because you chassed away the pugs.

You caused this. Why are you trying to play the victim?

You keep trying to tell me that you never said things, and then when I quote you where you do say things, you tell me that I’m lying.

Every group is one group. And yes blizzard does put us together against each other a lot. Most of the time what happens is one premade goes in and the other drops then they requeue into pugs while the other premade is forced to now fight pugs in the first battleground.

It’s not my fault you are not comprehending what I have put bud. Maybe take a reading class?

Yes it is. You should say what you mean. But you don’t.

However, I suppose, you think communicating is cheating, so maybe you haven’t had the practice.

I sure do. But like normal you are lying.

Nope never once have I said that. Keep up the lies, it’s what you are good at.

there is absolutely nothing you can say to players like me and freydis. We can actually play. We dont cheat like you do. And you can’t minimalize it…oh and you arent pvp players. Que up with me

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Yes, that is obvious.

That’s nice.

We don’t cheat either.

If we aren’t PvP players, why would you want us to:


you do cheat. the only reason you cheat and abuse the que-synch system is because on your own you would not be able to pvp.

:rofl: ahhhh i was wondering how long it would take for you to bust out the ol’ blue post