Take Action against Premades

The lie being that all you are doing is “communicating” but of course you don’t understand anything unless I draw a picture for you.

I don’t see any other way to know when other groups are clicking a button, so that you can click the button too.

Go play RBG’s or wargames. Blizzard doesn’t want large groups in randoms all together. But you just want easy free wins lol sad little man you are.

No. So long as I’m allowed to, I’ll continue to play the games that I want to play.

You don’t pay my sub.

Of course not. Because you’re not good at the game.

And you don’t pay the sub of the people’s game that get ruined by your exploiting. But you don’t care about the game. Just your tiny pathetic ego.

I’m not telling them how and where to play.

Nor am I. I’m just pointing out where you should go if you want the things, you keep claiming you want. But you are a liar so idk why I waste my time with you.

You specifically did.

That’s what there for what you claim you want. I never said you had to. I was informing you of things. The more I talk to you the more I think you never even finished high school. Anyways Define exploiting in video game terms.

I don’t need for you to tell me where to go. I enjoy playing Epics, I will continue to play Epics.

Did I ask for your assistance?

I didn’t… is reading hard for you? Anyways, define exploiting in video game terms.

You did, you specifically said:

Those are both places to go.

You can queue solo and go into IoC for example. Then you can type in chat for everyone to go hanger. (Yeah that’s cheating, I know) your team goes hanger and the other has 25 going hanger, 7 going workshop, 5 going docks, and 3 going refinery. Naturally the other team gets wiped at hanger because it is 25 vs 40. Then most of the group leaves the battleground because we cheated and won hanger. Five minutes later the backfill is complete but the damage is done. Maybe it would of been an even fight if blizzard would only disable the chat window.

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Because you talk like that’s the stuff you want. But you are just spewing BS like normal.

Nobody has ever claimed the talking is cheating stop trying to run with that lie it’s just sad at this point. You are cheating by exploiting the queue system to get a larger then intended group size in. Maybe it would have been an even fight if one team didn’t have lying exploiters in it. But you guys don’t care about the game at all.

I particularly like when the backfill attempts to convince the people who remain to go back to Hangar, now that there’s only 10 people defending it, but most of the team is in the other base running bombs, even though bombs haven’t been particularly effective for a number of expansions.

I also love how you guys refuse to acknowledge the games that start with small groups because of you sync exploiters dodging each other. Just nothing but lies from you guys.

Oh, they happen, I understand that, but I don’t pay for their subs, so I can’t tell them how to play.

See you don’t care when you do it but how evil of those pugs to leave your games and not give you free kills HAHA

They don’t just leave my games, they leave any game, against anyone.

Even if you got your wish and all premaders were banned, pugs would continue to leave games.

Well that’s just blatantly untrue lol but that’s normal coming from you.

Ahh yes I forget you are the wow god and you know everything that could happen HAHA you are just delusional and full of lies.