Take Action against Premades

You are also a known liar. So why would I believe you?

People are selfish for wanting fun fair games that they have a chance to win at? Yikes lol

Nope exploiters are the problem. If it’s just pugs why wasn’t people leaving in huge droves a problem until sync exploiters became so common?

So, people shouldn’t be allowed to have fun while farming for gear? The selfishness and narcissism of you people is straight up pathetic.

It really is, and you still find players in games with only one trinket. But they bought their weapon.

Ahh yes the pesky new players are so bad… get help dude.

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I don’t care if you believe me.

They don’t want fun fair games, they want fast games. They are quite happy to run all the way to the other end of AV and sit in the opposing base and play the lets kill the boss as fast as possible game, but aren’t willing to defend their own base to prevent a loss.

I’d really like it if they read the things they were buying.

To be fair anyone who is undergeared will have a bad time in epic battlegrounds. Ungeared people don’t last too long when a large group of premaders or pugs target them. Undergeared people in that situation are really in need of being carried through the battleground to get a win.

Never asked you too lol

Sync exploiters do that as well. You guys only go to the best and easiest objective. Stop making pathetic excuses bud.

There is no guide or anything for pvp in wow… how can you expect a new player to have any idea what is going on? You are just straight up delusional.

So why make it worse by exploiting? You are complaining while actively making it worse…

What? We turtle, we push the other team back into their own base. The major complaint that I see from players on our side is that the game will take an hour.

So why not take your premade of 15 people and help the other 25 people on your team to win so they get their honor and conquest points

Sometimes, sure but I have seen lots of sync exploiters just rush the boss. And you guys only do it to pad your KD.

Why not just play the game fair? Why do you HAVE to exploit?

It isn’t an exploit to communicate that you’re clicking a button.

There is no bug in the matchmaker. There is no bug in the system.

Can you queue as a raid into random bgs?


Good thing that a raid is not queueing then, isn’t it?

Of course not because you can’t bud. You are exploiting the queue system to get multiple groups in. Anyways I don’t care to listen to your narcissistic ramblings and lies today. Hope you really look into getting some kind of mental help.

Good, glad we’ve sorted that out.

It isn’t exploiting to communicate with other players.

Whatever lies you need to keep spewing bud.

We are playing fair. If we don’t play as a group then there is a very large chance that we will be alone vs one of those horde premades that dodge other premades.

So, communicating with other players is, actually, cheating?

No wonder you’re so salty, it isn’t, you should talk to your team.

Nope never said that. Keep lying and making stuff up lol really helps your case.

BAHAHAHA oh don’t start projecting little buddy.

Well, I said:

To which you replied:

So if it is a lie that communicating with other players is not an exploit, you must think that it is cheating to communicate with other players.