Take Action against Premades

munches popcorn are all the little que-synchers vigorously defending their cheating ways with the one blue-post?

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Share some popcorn with me please. I too will wait. Wait for you to post a blue post that says counting down in discord is evil and anyone who does it should be banned. Go ahead, i have work to do so i will check back later to read your reply.

unlike you cheating little que-synchers I dont need a blue-post that tells me if im playing with integrity and in a fair manner.

If you don’t have to justify what you believe then why should others have to justify themselves to you? Point being, just do your own thing and everyone else do their thing. Everyone pays their own subscription and should be allowed to play the way they want to play.

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because I wouldn’t be doiing my thing if I didn’t make sure that que-synchers either had their own forum or were removed from game. You see…you arent pvp players. Therefore, you shouldnt be in this forum. you cheat and xploit in a manner that is unfair. that gives a black eye to a community that already gets limited resources. you aren’t the same as the rest of us. you need to be put in your own forum/game or removed

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I have heard you say this in many different post. Honest question, if we had our own forum section, would you go post about how much you hate us in here or would you go do it in our forum? One more question then i have to leave for a bit. Would posting how much you hate us in this forum and in our forum at the same time make any difference in game?

no to be honest if you guys had your own forum you could petition blizz to support que-synchers and you could play each other all day long. or be removed. but to play people who aren’t playing in a cheating fashion is garbage. you que-synchers need a que-synch que button and forum…then i would actually classify you as pvp players

Everyone has their own idea as to what classifies as cheating. If you have ever looked at a class guide instead of figuring it out, that is cheating to some people. If you have ever sent gold and gear to an alt instead of grinding for it, that is cheating to some people. If you have ever used the group finder instead of spamming LFG chat, that is cheating to some people. The point is like I said above. Everyone has different ideas as to what is cheating. Just do your own thing and let them do theirs.

i have never sent gold. i have never ever needed gold. i have never asked someone for a carry. whatever crappy titles and achieves i got i earned them without having to que synch. you can minimalize que-synching all you want. you can qoute the blue-post. but the fact remains: when you guys que-synch you take away from the extraordinary ability for someone to enjoy a game solo or with up to four other friends/guildies. as it was intended. you hold a massive advantage by having everyone on discord and utilizing strats unemployable via text. nothing you say could ever change my mind on that fact. its cheating.

Unfortunately, the way premade raiders play negatively affects everyone else.

Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system or avoid other premade raids.

That is true. Most games whether there is a premade present or not are a roflstomp reguardless. Before i started doing premades, rarely would i see a game that was evenly matched and hard fought on both sides. Those figts that can go either way are the best kind of fights. I am a member of SPM. SPM was formed back in the day not to fight pugs but to fight the horde premade Hydra that was terrorizing epic battlegrounds. To this day any member in SPM will tell you that playing against pugs is boring. Win or lose we want a good fight against another premade. We play one night a week and queue about three games on average. For about two months straight every game we did was vs BSG. We lost so bad almost every single game but we had fun and never dodged them once. That in turn earned us some respect. Now we are actively trying to queue up against other premades but some of these communities love to dodge any game where they will have to work to win. That is why games are starting with only a few people. Premaders too scared to fight. Also I regularly see people afking out of fights if they are in a loseing game regardless of if a premade is present or not. But like I said yes we roflstomp pugs as a premade and yes they do afk out. However, I don’t think the full fault lies with us.


Unfortunately, the way pugs play negatively affects everyone else.

Pugs in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games where pugs leave as soon as they deem staying to be not worth their time and that drives players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team continues half-empty because pugs leave en masse in their attempts to maximize their rewards per minute.

And don’t try to say they leave because of premades, they leave any game, against pugs or premades.

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Read the CoC it says exploiting is not allowed. And I and others have shown the blue post from someone that actually represents blizzard saying they don’t like sync groups and don’t want it to happen. But you guys don’t care about facts.

Because of how common sync exploiters are.

This is actually because of sync premades dodging other sync premades

Of course, you would say this because you know it’s 100% because of premades. Facts over feelings.

I play solo games quite often, I see that they aren’t against a premade, yet they still drop.

If AV looks like it might be a turtle, they leave, if the IoC fight for hangar is a loss, they leave.

They’re trying to get their rewards as fast as possible, they don’t care that they’re leaving their team high and dry, they are quite happy to window shop for a win and cycle back again.


Yes people are trying to get honor in the mode designed to get honor… how evil of these silly pugs to try and get honor so they can get gear…

Because sync exploiters are so common. They rightfully assume that’s what it is because most of the time it is.

Says the person exploiting to get wins…

How nice of you to defend them in their ways of ruining games for other players.

They do it whether the other side is a premade or not.

Most of the time. So, you admit, that they leave games against other pugs.

Says the person defending window shoppers.

The irony and complete lack of self-awareness

And you know this how?

Sure I never said they didn’t. It’s a product of exploiters ruining games for so long.

The only people “window shopping” are those that need to exploit to get wins.

Because I have played with pugs. Personal experience. Remember, I was a pug once too.

No, it isn’t, it’s a product of selfish pugs who want to get wins as fast as possible. They have no interest in actually playing the PvP that they signed up for, they just want gear so that they can play Arena.

Premades aren’t window shopping. Pugs are.

Honor and honor gear is so easy to get. One good night of farming is all it takes then you have to spend the rest of the season trying to get rid of extra honor. According to you once you have your honor gear you are supposed to not queue again? Everyone already knows the best way to gear up is to do rated pvp. Granted a lot of people just don’t want to do rated content. What then shall they do? Go play some PvE?

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