Take Action against Premades

/taps foot… We’re not even the only horde elf race, just the best.

Your kind of elf is fine bae

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That’s an objective waste of time.


The leaving army grows dramatically.

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For me a loss can still be fun and engaging. I take those opportunities to improve and try out-of-the-box things.

I found out recently that a demon hunter can use rain from above, to hit the canon on the air ship in the horde base.

I’d be curious to see a handful of demon hunters disable the air-ship for alliance and watch them try to win with the remaining bases.

I used to afk out of these matches all the time and move on to an alt. I stopped doing it and I honestly enjoy WOW more with my new “never afking no matter what” mindset then I did before. You will see a lot of things you wouldn’t normally see happen with that mindset, and I’m absolutely fine with getting my butt kicked by premades :slight_smile: It can be a waste of time if winning is everything but then again WOW is a waste of time to begin with. Long as one is having fun. I can’t argue with you though, at your honor level you have a phD in wasted time :slight_smile:


Well given the laughable amount you gain from waiting out at a 30-40 minute av turtle loss i would say leaving is without a doubt a better use of time.

And my HL was gained through knowing how to notice when something is a waste of time that I’m gaining very little out of as compared to the enemy premade and when I am.

Fair enough. Nothing beats a good comeback victory though for me though. Very rewarding so I’ll continue to not AFK

I have seen you pout in base a few times because you didn’t get AA or something, being afk in match but not leaving, but running out to engage in combat as soon as you get flagged and taunt your teammates about what you’re doing. Is that a good use of time?

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I only do that when the enemy team is already getting ran over. Usually by a premade on my team.

Me joining in when they are already down by 120 reinforcements is literally kicking them when they are already down.

That’s interesting. Too bad our hunters couldn’t reach the cannons. I’m willing to try it with my DH if you need to sign up more DH for the cause.

I had switch most of my stats from mastery to crit, I’m wondering if I still had my full mastery gear with sniper shot it would’ve been possible or not.

It’s a fun gimmick that I try sometimes on my DH, I also tried with Priest damage reflection and standing under the cannon XD.

This idea came when we I was on the airship shooting at alliance turtling in their keep. The turtle lasted long enough that my canon died from all the priest damage reflect shield. Since then I’m trying to actively disable the air-ship.

Curios now if you could use The Hunt to land on their ship from that spot.

It’s too far out of range for any other ability, here my first attempt where I got a hit:


Maybe I can try landing on the front engine thing…


I think you can go Rain from above > The Hunt (especially on an AFK player on Gunship) > Metamorphosis to land

DH’s can get on the alliance ship and kill the players firing on hangar when Horde controls it.

Yes, that’s possible, TK. A Demon Hunter can easily jump from one gunship to the other when they’re close together. What Mohz is trying to figure out is if it’s possible for a Demon Hunter to jump from the Horde base rooftop onto the gunship as it flies over the base.

To be fair, we should be able to infiltrate a gunship, especially since glaives are so weak. Allowing this would add a new dimension to the Isle of Conquest (IOC) strategy.

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Do blitz bgs. Solo queue and you don’t get put against premades and the rewards are better.

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to be quite fair this is what you do and you gy farm them , but from anytime i had qued and randomly got on a team u didnt like you guys would dodge n leave so . yeah have fun fighting pugs because at this point it seems like you dodge everyone except RR these days . :dracthyr_tea: :roll_eyes:


I agree, we should have canons on the keep towers that can fire back at the air ship.