Take Action against Premades

I never said it didn’t happen, but I have been playing wow for a long time and it’s never been this bad on either side. Sync exploiters are not helping a game that’s already bleeding players. Why allow these people to chase away protentional pvp players when pvp is on its last legs?

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Pre-made vs pre-made epics are the most fun I’ve had playing this game , that’s why I’m in them. It doesn’t happen enough , they don’t war game each other. Because the pre-made vs pre-made epics are so fun I will continue to do them. I absolutely do feel bad for pugs caught up in it though

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That’s dramatic! And sadly I feel it’s accurate. Ion has never wanted to have PvP in wow. In fact I think he was quoted as saying he would rather remove it but that was like 8 years ago. I guess he just starved it out. There’s no saving PvP. And now with heroic talents it’ll be impossible for blizz to balance another system. Ion has to go man

I was in a lot of rbg communities and loved every minute of it. I can see the appeal

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What’s sad it’s not the players looking to dodge. It’s a few of the queue sync leaders calling all the shots there. I bet more than half of queue syncers would prefer to fight each other but some of the leaders don’t take losses well( or even close matches well )


Honestly if this was a thing I would 100% do it.

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The major communities formed a war game community that they rarely use. Maybe 4 or 5 matches a year? A shame I was excited when I’m formed. The matches they did were fun and close. I’ve since been shunned by the epic bg tribunal for playing with “ known griefers” lol from the non existent pre-made war game discord though , oh well :slight_smile:


It does seem like most of the “leaders” are extremely toxic and intitled people lol

Yeah it really is some bawl tripping ego runs these guys are on. Look at that Druid Ak.
I just like to rile bob up by wounding his ego he’s not even a Que syncher. But this Druid here.::man he cannot let this go that we think he’s a cheater lol

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Some are for sure lol Each community has at least one decent person in charge though I found

haha yeah…good people in que synch communities doesnt remove the fact that they are still cheaters and exploiters


DJL voted on it and you saw that first hand.

That’s not true either. You left.

I got it mixed up with the RR discord which I was removed from, but they (whoever runs the neutral discord) removed miz,krienn,leep from it. Did you guys do a vote yet to see if you’ll dodge SPM?

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Also don’t BSG members automatically get excluded?

They are the same, so yes, they won’t be playing us.

They are not the same. I feel you are scared of them because you haven’t beaten them since early 2023 personally


Nope. We beat RR plenty. We get better daily. Taunts don’t work on me.

So you did not vote on dodging SPM did you

So you didn’t bring it to a vote? Did you unilaterally decide?