Tailoring Cooldown Suspensions and Reversals

turned into 35 anima.

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That Blizz decided sooooo many players were exploiting and needed banning, rather than it be a bug, tells you everything.

Trigger happy.

It was rushed to pump up Q4 numbers and the lack of polish shows.

Resulting in my everlasting anger and constant reminders therein that they failed, hard, with that piece of nonsense writing.

This type of decision shows a fundamental lack of ability to lead Customer Service. Support has been almost completely automated. The decisions leading up to this have been atrocious. If someone fails to do their job effectively, costs the company money and hurts the companies relationship with their customers-- that person is not suited for the responsibility. These decisions come from the top, not HR, and they are implemented poorly by the head of Customer Service. There is not a single thing CS is doing right now that builds good will with Blizzard’s audience.

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So you tee there when they crafted it?

I didn’t want to be cynical but you’re probably not wrong.

Give them some credit, you wouldn’t even know about this if they didn’t tell you about it. They could have just deleted the cloth, slapped everyone with a 1 week to 1 month suspension depending on how much cloth, and never said another word about it. They came to us to tell us about a mistake they made and issued a retraction and apology. That is not exactly the most degenerate behavior we have seen from Blizzard, in fact it is rather a decent way to have handled things.

Really? you dont know something with a 4 hour cooldown that suddenly is available every time you leave an instance resets is a bug?

So you go ahead, craft > hit CD > Zone in > zone out > Craft again .

Rinse and repeat this 10,000 times… but you arent sure if this is a bug or not?

You really need to understand how egregious this stuff is… once you understand it then youll never once have this comment again.

nobody accidentally is running into this stuff.

Good job by blizzard by removing most of the bans from people who just saw it was up and did it.

Its obvious there are people who did tens of thousands of crafts from a very long CD that just isn’t mathematically possible. Glad those were still banned.


And I’m guessing there are still people who never got the feldrake, even though they did the requirements. I got mine, but others have been waiting over 10 days.

Anyway, you ban/ suspend people for a simple tailoring CD that wasn’t working as intended, but yet people were selling twitch accounts on eBay that had the feldrake completed…… for $30. How is that not against the EULA?

It’s true that the innocent player wouldn’t know this. Big guilds and push/boosting communities probably knew this. Hard to make sure the right people are being punished.

In the topic of profession fixes, I hope y’all got more than just tailoring in your sights. I’m quite tired of fishing in my FULL reagent bank (thanks to multiple levels of quality on top of excessive needed white items) to find ore/gems, elements etc in order to cart them to a bench to jewel craft. It used to work from the reagent bank and now I literally need every mat in my bag. This is killing me. -_-

I can JC from my stash in the bank just fine, though I’ve heard this doesn’t apply to every mat.

Naivety is a hell of a thing.

And this my friends is why you always exploit early and often, most of the time you can play innocent and get away with it.

wouldnt enjoy being the one in charge of figuring out where the line is.

questionable moves all around lol

wouldve been great if it was caught pre-launch by actual QC testers :wink:

This was the old, ugly side of Blizzard rearing it’s head and then a quick reversal. Good job Blizz!

how about not making me click the expansion every time i open the thing?
I prefer the old set up where its all on one big list by expansion

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Thats what I tell the wife when she asks about things. If it seems like its too good, then stop doing it and put in a bug report. better than a suspension because the game aint doing what its sposed to do.


its just so weird these people “omg how would new people know!”

TRUST ME… they are barely using these CDs once a day… nevermind several THOUSAND TIMES a day.

The casuals arent the issue here. TRUST

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Blaming everything else for your lack of success in the game is weak.