Tailoring Cooldown Suspensions and Reversals

Fix your game. You won’t have these issues in the future.

At the very least, it only lets you craft 1 per day now. Even if it says 9, 10, 19, or 20, it simply doesn’t allow a craft.

So partially fixed? But then what the hell does my specialization do if I gain 1 per day like everyone else who put only just unlocked the bolts?

Its not clear to me at all how this is supposed to work. When it says x out of 30, my assumption is that x goes up by one per day (daily cooldown) and then down by one every time you craft. But you can craft more than one in a single day if you have some of your 30 left over from other days when you didnt craft. This feels like a good way to have a catch up mechanic on a daily cooldown without having to craft every single freaking day (requiring daily or getting behind is bad design).

Now, lets say someone was down to 10 and they see that in the UI and knowingly crafted say 20+ in one sitting, then thats an obvious exploit as they are going over the number in the UI. If the number available displayed is some how going up unexpectedly, then that might be more confusing as there isnt any sort of indicator in how that number is supposed to change (and are there skills that shorten cooldowns? I think I read about some in the skill tree, but i havent unlocked any).

I play a taylor on an alt, im not really keeping track of this number and ive only crafted 5 or so of the high end cloth. Last I check I think the UI said I had 17 of 30 remaining. I assume this number has been building up by one each days because of comments about a daily cooldown (I wouldnt have known otherwise). I wont remember what that number should be when I go craft again on that toon in 3 to 10 days. Its just not a detail im thinking about.

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Or you know, don’t cheat. Most people doing this knew exactly what they were doing. The innocent routine is so transparent.

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Most probably thought they would get away with it like they have since the expansion dropped. Let’s be real, this expansion is fun but the amount of exploits popping up at every turn in a real amateur hour moment. To my knowledge we have had:

  • Wrathion/Sab farm.
  • Alchemy cooldown broke.
  • Tailoring broke.
  • PvP gear sold.
  • Profession hopping for rep.
  • And a bit before we had Sha exploit.

Just bad taste in folks mouth when you’re now swinging the hammer on this but not all the other stuff and one that’s still on going (proff swap).

Maybe just stop putting weird restrictions on everything in the first place? Since we’re talking about it.

You try new things, fix problems, this keeps customers happy.

THIS is a perfect example of inept behavior by Blizzard.

You made the mistake. Then you banned a bunch of people that should not have been banned.

I would even question those that remain banned. This is like arresting someone for theft because the store charged a lower price.

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A bunch of people get rare mounts because of a bug: let’s make that a feature!

A bunch of people max out their reps fast because of a bug: let’s do nothing to reset those people giving them an advantage.

A bunch of people abuse a loot bug to gear their character faster then intended: let’s do nothing again!

Billy got enough cloth to make 2 pairs of pants this week: BAN HIM!

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hmmm lame.

y’all need to take harder stances towards exploiters.

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you’re a hardcore player yourself, it’s right there in your guild name

tweets about his guild doing a sale run once
hey everyone this guy is an avid boost seller

Drama like this is why I’m glad I spread myself out over 8 70’s. I will have geared up and leveled up professions the slowest, but at the end of the day, I’ll have 8 geared 70’s. Going slow has allowed me to avoid this mess.

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people did give feedback on this, and many other bugs that made it through. I agree 100% it was a rushed xpac. most are

please remember that often the devs are on your side with this, but they are not able to tell you that.
the corpo vacuous greedy non gamer ‘its just a job’ people who are beholden to a board and shareholders are the ones who are responsible for this

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I have no idea what was happening with the exploiting but the new crafting system is FAR too complex, often needlessly so, and very difficult to engage with. There are so many hidden and unintuitive interactions between the skill points and specialization and the tooltips do almost nothing to alleviate that. In fact they often confuse things even more. And in some cases there are vital tooltips that are completely missing from the game such as a tooltip that tells you what each crafting stat does. Multi-craft is pretty self explanatory but inspiration, resourcefulness? Those can mean a lot of things.

I am glad that you’re looking at this more closely because the professions revamp didn’t add any real depth to crafting but rather just broke down previously baseline functionality and introduced a ton of complexity and artificial time gating for no apparent reason. Not unlike the talent tree revamp.

It’s really unfortunate because both of these systems had the potential to breathe so much life into the game but feel like they were not prioritized and rushed which resulted in a squandered opportunity that only ever comes once every decade to this game.

I crafted a bunch of Alloys, will I get banned ?

Why do some professions have long cooldowns and others don’t ? Or do they and we just don’t know ?

Punishing players for design errors is honestly the worse approach I’ve seen handling things in this industry.

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Unless it’s a perma-ban they need to remove all the crafting materials and reset their crafting professions to zero.

So, they got a vacation and still get to come back in 30 days to enjoy the result of exploiting? All that said I am of the opinion that if you are found willfully exploiting a game system your account should be perma-banned.

If someone had to start with a fresh account every time they cheated it would happen less often.

It was a clear overreaction that frankly wasn’t born out of the severity of the exploit but rather I think because Blizzard were getting fed up with fighting cheating and exploits constantly since the expansion launched. I can understand the frustration, I feel it too because I can’t abide cheating, but whose fault is it that so many of these exploits and bugs were allowed to make it into the live game? At this point there is just no reasonable person that can say the expansion wasn’t rushed to meet some kind of artificial holiday release deadline.

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People find efficient way of grinding something, people use it.

These being intended or not aren’t always as clear cut as you make it sound.

Can you really kill the same Spider rare over and over again for 250 Wrathion rep without limit ? Who knows, but people did it. Because it was an efficient way to farm the rep.

Will we now get banned for being 6/6 Wrathion ?

Why not just remove the excess from the game instead of suspending anyone for your problem? Same for anyone that used exploits for rep, just remove the rep and or items, not the player.

Path of least resistance, or least amount of work I guess…

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You gave me a button.

I pressed it.
