Tailoring Cooldown Suspensions and Reversals

The only thing that needs to be worked on is the quality control over at Blizzard.

What happen to the Blizzard Quality that you guys had so much pride in?

responsible for? no, contributed to the high level raid environment that lead to all that? probably

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So whose to blame for all these toxic systems?

No. They were not the only ones who theorycrafted, and that was always going to enter the game. Look at the private server community for Vanilla. People who want to be “the best” will always find ways to break the math down. People who want to emulate those guys will always find ways to elevate themselves in some way.

If EJ was guilty of anything, it was taking the concept of theorycrafting/mathing/Spreadsheets: The Game mainstream. They unlocked the ivory tower and allowed all of the dirty peasants to have access to their information/math.

For them, I think it was largely an exercise in egalitarianism. They saw no reason to keep all that information secret or exclusive. That said, it opened the floodgates to all the people in the community who DID want to make themselves feel superior to others through a video game…so sure. EJ was a part of the culture that led to what we see now.

The players. That’s the simple answer.


If they were against the toxic systems and now run the game then why did they keep the systems in?

Its not really that “they” run the game, the game director was a member

First, I can’t speak for any members of that guild. Second, that guild was a drop in the lake of people who created addons and spreadsheets and guidelines for the game.

Third, who do you think “they” is? It’s not like EJ all joined Blizzard. Ion is one of their members, but he got a job working for Blizzard. They didn’t all do that. They were just players who were really involved in the game.

If Ion is the Wow game director then he could remove the systems that have been the single biggest driving factors as tools to fuel toxicity and elitism in this game but he turns a blind eye.

You clearly want a person or figure to blame for what you perceive as problems in the game.

No “system” in this game makes people behave badly, unkindly, or like…ahem…an elitist jerk. People make individual choices in their behavior. Full stop.

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There’s probably a solution that makes more sense than CD’s and time gates. I know leggo base items weren’t liked all that much by a very vocal group of people for various reasons ( mostly I want it now and it’s too expensive ) but it made much more sense in a 10,000 hours to master type of way.

Currently it’s wait every week for your welfare knowledge. It appears even the +1 world drops are weekly capped. So if you want to grind them out, nope. Wait for your weekly allotment.


Exactly. It’s the hard time gate, and it’s not even cleverly hidden.

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I congratulate you for going back on your mistake, it is far better than old blizzard and a very good first step.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that competitors tend to compensate the affected parties after something like this, say. Refund the amount of time that they were banned +2 days or whatever. It’s minimal, but gives a better message of acknowledging that it affected people and you regret it.

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Kneejerk reactions like yours should always, and I mean always, be ignored.

No one deserves to lose their job over this.

To err is to be human, mistakes happen. What matters at the end of the day is that the mistake is identified, fixed and apologized for, which in this case it was. That’s the end of the story.

As for your ‘other reason’ (since you only had one) it doesn’t justify someone being fired. Primarily because your ‘other reason’ is not the fault of the head of customer support. The head of customer support doesn’t hire or fire, they don’t decide how many GMs are going to be responsible for a region. That’s HR’s responsibility, and HR can only hire people for roles that upper management decide the company needs.


I say this as one of the most casual of players, raider io is just a tool, its players that use it to be toxic in some cases. I also believe its a third party system that blizz really has no control of. And if raider io suddenly disappeared people would still be just as toxic, they would just scour the armory

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  1. Mythic+ timers fuel the go-go mentality.
  2. Group loot fuels competing against others in gambling.
  3. DPS meters fuels discrimination against a player based on numbers.
  4. Raider io scores fuels players barring others from entry into groups.
  5. Ilvl score fuels players from being barred into groups as well.
  6. Needing specific combat addons installed fuels the barring of players from entry too.

I am sure there are more but it’s late and I’m tired. If Ion is the WoW game director then he could remove all these systems that have been the single biggest driving factors as tools to fuel toxicity and elitism in this game but he turns a blind eye. But he didn’t, so the reputation of Elitists Jerks checks out. Thanks for the info though.

They have to keep you logging in and they have yet to figure out that this isn’t the best method.

That existed long before M+, and M+ runs are not go-go-go. They are timed runs, not speed runs. The people who zerg without thought or systematic planning beforehand are doing it wrong, and M+ is not to blame for that.

The people who drop an M+ after the first wipe are individuals behaving badly, and M+ is not to blame for that.

Then use personal loot. Simple as. I play with people I trust, and so the ability to trade gear is very important to us.

Only if you have players who use that information punitively against other players. The truth is: if you can’t hit certain marks in DPS, you cannot complete certain levels of difficulty. DPS meters are a tool. If some of the players abuse those tools, it is not the tool’s fault.

Hammers are meant to build things, to help us connect two pieces of material together with nails.

If someone uses a hammer for violence, it is not the hammer’s fault. The hammer is just a tool.

Sure, you can make this argument, but Raider IO simply does what has always been done from day one. Without it, people would use the armory or gear inspection. I like Raider IO, even though I never pug M+ and even though I never tend to do any keys above 15. Competition is not a bad thing, and I like making IO score goals for myself. Competition is integral to games of all sorts, not just video games.

You don’t have to have Raider IO installed to M+ or raid or anything else in this game. It’s just a tool used by a lot of players. Some of those players are mean and unreasonable. Others are not. It’s player behavior, not the tool they use.

Sure, but it has ever been thus, even before we had item level. Make your own groups. Play with people you know. Find your own crowd. That’s a fundamental part of playing an MMO.

I’ll never understand the anti-DBM sentiment, but our guild doesn’t require people to have it if they don’t want it. Again, ALL of this is about player behavior. Taking all our tools and toys away WILL NOT change player behavior.

Find kinder players. We exist. We dungeon. We raid. We pick herbs. We do fun RP group stuff together. We’re out here.

They aren’t “systems.” What you seem to be asking for is controlling player behavior by breaking tools people have enjoyed in the game since 2005.

No, he couldn’t remove them. If he (or anyone else) made some executive-level decision to break the API allowing for add-ons in the game, the exodus would be massive, and not all or even most of the players who use them are “toxic,” as you say.

Its because Bli$$ doesnt use beta tests for actual testing anymore. Once the game reaches beta its done outside of number tweeks. Beta tests now are just early access for streamers to get free publicity.

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It certainly seems that way…Sigh.

The bug is not fixed. I made my one Azureweave Bolt a few hours ago and the cooldown reset to 20 of 30 after hearthing out of the Azure Vaults +7 keystone.