Tailoring Cooldown Suspensions and Reversals

Even if you are reversing the bans you absolutely should be removing the ill-gotten cloth. It’s completely unacceptable for tailors who exploited to be so far ahead of honest tailors.

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Can we at least get confirmation by Blizzard for this or are all these “accidental” players now able to benefit for a several months ahead time gate?

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It was literally released 1 month before release. No amount of testing or fixes would’ve been implemented within that time frame.

Implemented? No. But at least they would’ve been known. We’ve encountered a lot of confusion, lack of clarity in tootips/explanations, and straight up bugs in the two weeks we’ve been playing the expansion, so these could have been highlighted and on the list of priorities. Exploits like the one we’re currently responding to would’ve been brought out and could have been hotfixed prior to release or at least come with a blue post warning.

Edited to add: My main disappointment (aside from not getting a beta invite myself) was that I couldn’t find anyone in the beta streaming comprehensive professions/fishing/cooking content, which is what I was interested in. Were I to beta, I’d spend my time doing those things. I like being surprised by the dungeons and Mythic + content, so instead, I would’ve been a person who used my time in beta testing fishing/cooking/professions.

I assumed I would not be the only one and that streamers being into dungeon content did not mean there weren’t beta testers focusing diligently on professions and debugging for those (I assumed they just weren’t streamers). I only found one guy making routine videos discussing the professions, and his videos were helpful but not in-depth enough to cover debugging concerns.

Anyway…that was the main thrust of my point. We need more diversity in the content creators handed guaranteed beta access.


how about the people who did this with alchemy

So, if these same players still play everyday then it’s impossible to ever catch up to them.

I have a tailor. I have absolutely zero idea if I violated this. I havent done that much yet, so probably not. If this was reported in beta like has been reported, then no they shouldnt be banning.


Yup. They just cornered the market. Exploit early and Exploit often.

Will literally never happen. The game director is a has been tryhard raider who himself ran a well known very pro elitist guild. Their new president is a tryhard and not only that but an avoid boost seller. Activision bought Blizzard and slowly and surely replaced people in leadership positions with those who has consistently pushed this weird MMO/esport hybrid. Activision themselves is very much ingrained in the esport world.

This community even has always downright worshipped and tried their best to emulate no life tryhards. I fully believe there were some innocents mixed up in this, but I’m quite willing to bet most fully knew the exploit they were doing.

Real funny thing is “top” guilds have gotten busted before withholding PTR/beta bugs and exploited them in retail. Like actual collusion-level of crap met with finger waggling and a token temporary ban.


What’s the guild name?

A lot of those things should be fixed way before beta. This is 100% a Blizzard issue. Beta testers shouldn’t be a replacement for QA experts/software testers.

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Or not.

No one should be fired over this.

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I’m not making this up: Elitist Jerks. That’s the guild name.

It was a tongue-in-cheek name, however, and their theorycrafting website was a mine of good information back in Vanilla. They were not actually jerks. They just really liked spreadsheeting the game and were very good at it.


Geezes, it’s worst than I thought. Well now the social aspect of this game is starting to make more sense. The raider io score, addons, ilvl requirements, logs, etc. seems like a pretty elitists jerks thing to me.

Why is it a bad thing? It’s a funny name that people retroactively used to make some kind of internet slam dunk against its members.

They were very kind to a lot of us back in the day who were not good players or well-versed in how theorycrafting worked.

I asked questions on their forum-based website back in '05-'06, and they were very nice to me (and a lot of other people). It’s revisionist history to take the name now and use it as a cudgel against its members.

My guild is called Fifth Affix. It’s a self-deprecating name implying that we’re so bad at the game we’re like another affix. We’re not…that bad. It’s just a funny name.

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You used to play with them?

I listed several reasons they should be fired. And yes, when people screw up on this type of scale, they should definitely be fired.

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God no. I was a noob playing a mage because I liked how pretty magic spells were.

They had a website called Elitist Jerks. It was a forum website where you could ask specific questions about spec or itemization or rotation, etc.

That’s how I interacted with them.


They had a whole website dedicated to helping people who wanted to be better raiders and players. They were good dudes, but probably not who should be leading the game


Do you feel they were responsible for adding combat addons, raider io scores, logs, ilvl requirements, etc.?