Tailoring Cooldown Suspensions and Reversals

They need to quit treating beta like an early hype machine for streamers and stop treating world first raiders like gods of the game


You must work in Blizzard Customer Support…

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More like part of PR’s damage control team.


Learn. From. This.
Stop rushing your releases

These nerds can wait a few more months


And ppl need to learn from this, don’t rush your game, enjoy it, since it’s now already impossible to catch up to months of time gated advancements from these exploiters.

Be better at QA. Instead of punishing these players, perhaps you should employ them.

Punishing players for an ‘exploit’ is heavy handed when applied to the average person who probably has no idea what they’ve done was wrong.

Shame on you for your position on this type of stuff. You seem to have forgotten you create a video game, for fun.


I rushed and I’m still enjoying it. I don’t care that people exploited and are ahead. I care that there are so many major ones that they missed

I didn’t enjoy rushing the story campaign and not watching all the cinematics because I built up a false notion in my head if I leveled faster than others then I would have a bigger advantage. I didn’t take all these exploits into consideration. I am now going to level an alt and take my time enjoying every quest, cinematic, and storyline.

That’s cool. I always skip. The story’s never been that great.

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To each their own. I don’t even know what’s going on in the games storyline tbh haha and I’m ilvl 479.

Rushing the story is one thing but the game has been around 18 yrs, people know when they are doing something that is intended and when it isnt


Agreed. I don’t believe all these people were ignorant about this being an exploit but yet again they all get to escape the ban hammer. Exploit early, exploit often meta is still in full effect. What’s next?

Not everyone has played this game for 18 years. There are a lot of new players of all ages.

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Im more inclined to go with rollbacks and resets on professions or reps or whatever fits the situation, some are innocent some are clearly abusing things but either way they shouldnt keep what they got


Fixing whatever bug is there at the time isnt enough, in an ideal world they would actually use beta properly but they dont so they need to start sending a message that this stuff wont be tolerated, They need to pick a stance, preferrably one that isnt just turning a blind eye and be consistent with it


Blizzard i know you trying to play nice here, but that kindness with this community will be exploited also.

Learn to exploit early, exploit often, because most of the time you know exactly what you’re doing. And now all these tailors have an unfair advantage over those who didn’t participate in the clear exploit.

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Wowhead said it was several months of a time gate that they are ahead. It’s insane.

That’s fine. If there’s no exploit found there’s no exploit to take advantage of.

A lot of us realized that this was a very quick release. There was no way to know for sure if they were rushing it but it looks like they did

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Even if people didnt know it was unintended they should have the mats removed, either remove the mats or remove the cooldown