Taeznak's 10.0 Frost Feedback

Welcome back, im sure you guys know the drill by now. Long post, lots of technical stuff.

Now that ive finally gotten to dig deep into frost in dragonflight, theres a couple very apparent issues id like to talk about, as well as some minor bits of awkwardness with the spec.

Lets start off with the larger issues, beginning with the most obvious, Breath Duration.

Well, to be frank, its just… too long. The resource abundance we are seeing here in dragonflight leads to breath durations being just, absolutely incredible in season 1, and i just, don’t think its healthy for this to continue the way it has. While without good RNG, most people are seeing like 1-1.5 minute breath durations, add in a little luck and you can keep that going for 2-3 minutes strait. On a real boss encounter, well, this becomes incredibly punishing if the player does not plan ahead, and play just, incredibly well for those 1-3 minute periods. But, with a 2m cooldown, this ends up being like, 70-80% of a fight where frost DKs have to manage this, and its becoming just a bit too extreme. Id love to see breath duration brought down, while maintaining its cleave niche. Potentially a 30-50% increase in cost per second (from 16rp/s to 20-24rp/s), while increasing its damage proportionately. Yes, this makes frost a but more bursty in shorter windows, but, it keeps a lot of the nuance breath requires. Planning ahead to be able to use that breath window to its fullest, while also giving it a bit more of a friendly playstyle for mythic+ dungeons.

Next up, Obliteration’s absurd skill requirement. I know this is contrary to popular belief, but, obliteration is HARD, even more so DW Shattering Blade Obliteration. The reaction times needed to be able to maximize your killing machines, wasting as few as possible just becomes absurd. Fiber internet, and sub 100ms response times are what you need to maximize this setup, and, well, its just unreasonable in its current state. Is it good if you can manage this? absolutely, but, for the average player its just not feasible. For this, i do think the fix would be adding some leeway to Obliteration specifically, potentially an extra effect on the talent allowing you to stack killing machine twice to minimize waste and lower the skill ceiling? Its a hard one to tackle honestly, but, that might be the best solution to give obliteration a bump by reducing its skill requirement. It does add some nuance to obliteration windows, where you may pool 2 killing machines before pillar to instantly pump the strength amp, but, should make it much more approachable to a new player, or someone who may not have the reaction times/internet capability to really let the setup shine.

Finally, well, to be frank, frost is a bit too much of a generalized spec. The differences between single target, and AoE in playstyle is basically non existent. Talent build diversity between the two is near non existent… well, its just, too cookie cutter friendly. Some extra diversity being added to frost would be a godsend i think, reduce some of the power of AoE specific stuff in ST, and do the same for ST stuff in AoE to create some differentiation between the two, as it stands now its just, not quite different enough.

Now to get into the more minor awkwardness with the spec itself.

The age old, forever been the case issue of frost ignoring some resources in some forms of content. This was exaggerated to an extreme this expansion, where we just, really, really do not care about runic power most of the time. Its just something we generate a ton of and spend when we have no runes (if youre not playing breath). It doesn’t really feel great currently. Im not sure there is a good solution to this without some major reworks of how the spec operates, but, taking it into consideration for the future would be ideal.

The dead/awkward talents. Granted, frost does not have many of these, but, going into Improved Frost Strike for breath when you have breath up 80% of the time just, feels like you wasted 2 talent points, conversely runic command increasing your RP cap when you kinda just, dont really care about runic power in the first palce also feels like you wasted 2 points… These two just, kinda feel like point dumps for the sake of being point dumps.

Improved Rime, honestly, just… strange to have. It blocks our path to the remorseless winter buffs, and chill streak, but, is kinda a mediocre talent we are forced to take just to get to the good stuff. Eat your veggies before your candy kind of feel. Not sure why random % buffs to abilities exist in the trees without adding some mechanical nuance, or other benefit to it honestly. And this leads me into the 2 most ??? points in the tree.

Cold-Blooded Rage, and Invigorating Freeze. These also feel like a “eat your veggies before your candy” talents. Gotta spend 2 points you kinda dont want to spend just to get to the final row talents. These, well, they dont deserve their position as penultimate talents to be quite frank. I know there needs to be 2 point cost talents here to prevent some crazy talent combinations, but, id appreciate if these were more potent, more interesting, and leaned into the mechanical play that their following ultimate talent provides. Cold Blooded Rage giving killing machine on frost strikes, when you already guarantee that will happen with Obliteration feels like its just, never useful to have, and doesnt augment obliteration like how id expect from a penultimate talent. Invigorating freeze is in the same boat, we dont really pay close attention to our runic power already, and getting more of it passively doesnt really enhance the gameplay at all, or benefit breath as much as youd expect from a talent here.

Cold-Blooded Rage, could be reworked into something that works with obliteration, rather than outside it. Of course, this is just a random idea that i don’t expect to actually make it to the game, but, something like “Frost Strike and Glacial Advance during Pillar of Frost increases your Strength by an additional 1/2%” would be a godsend in terms of people feeling like this talent is worth the points they have to spend to get obliteration.

Invigorating Freeze conversely, could be reworked to be used to amplify Breath in the same way, “Increases the Runic Power cost of your abilities by 25/50%, but, increases their damage by 30/60%”, this change would tackle 2 issues at once. Or, a talent in that vein could be put elsewhere in the tree as to allow people to choose between a long, lower damage breath, or a short, very potent breath depending on their preference, while allowing the scaling to be applied to Frost Strike, or Glacial Advance for non breath setups, giving some more reason to care for runic power in AoE.

And the final awkward bit… Glacial Advance. This not interacting with icecap feels a bit… awkward. Obliteration has its AoE counterpart, Frostscythe work for Icecap, dont see why Frost Strike shouldnt also see its AoE counterpart work for this talent. Its really perplexing if im being honest, and limiting Glacial Advance’s ability to amplify Obliteration setups in AoE.

And an awkward side note. Icy Talons was increased to 10s for the sake of unholy, but, i do think that should also be considered for Unleashed Frenzy for the sake of frost, just so the timers match and the priority doesnt shift around as much. I know frost keeps this up way more passively than unholy does, and doesnt require the same setup periods unholy has. But, just for the sake of them working together, rather than being awkwardly desynced, id like to see this changed.

Thanks for reading, and hope youre all having a great new year so far. I know my opinions on these things wont reflect everyones preferences, but, i do hope that ive managed to compile most of the common complaints about Frost here, and explain them in a way thats understandable.
anywyas, Taez out.


Incredibly well-written. I do believe that it summarized the core issues with the Frost Death Knight as a spec right now.

If I had to add just one point, it would be a follow-up to this paragraph.

It explains why the spec flows so well during Breath of Sindragosa : all your runic power gets converted into damage without any issue, and your priorities are rather well-defined. BoS has a challenging playstyle, more about positioning and knowing perfectly the raid encounters than being rationally difficult, but it is so smooth while your Breath is up.

In opposition, when you are playing obliteration, you are faced with an overabundance of resources, with the real limitation being the GCD. The runic power spenders suffers, because they do less damage per GCD than the rest of your abilities. Except perhaps for GA during AoE or FS when paired with Shattering Strikes.

As a tentative solution, said completely as a whim : what if they reduced the frost DK GCDs a bit to help your resources flow out more smoothly? It would change barely nothing to BoS builds, since the GCD is hardly an issue to them, but might help out squeeze more ability casts during the precious Pillar windows. But I suppose than they might really not want to mess with the GCDs, since they are already affected by haste.

Alternatively, if changing the GCDs is too much, definitely agree that there should ideally be a way to perhaps increase the damage and runic power consumed by our runic spenders. While your solution does sounds really nice :

I do think that the second option, to put it at a location where it’s accessible by both Obliteration and BoS builds would definitely be the best.

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Frostscythe needs to cost 2 rune and have its damages doubled. I cant spend runes fast enough if I use it during pillar windows, and its damage at 5 targets isn’t even worth it over obliterate.

Also why is frost whelp’s aid and frostwyrm’s fury a 40 yard range! This is way too long.
it should be the same as glacial advance. Really awkward as a melee to have to aim these in M+ to not aggro additional packs.

I wish frostwhelps was AoE around you, like that dragon torghast power…


i feel like soul reaper should be brought up here as a complete wasted capstone for us. it should seriously have interaction with obliteration at the very least to generate a km proc during pillar. soul reaper is meant to be used by us because they changed it to shadowfrost from shadow. yet it still has no place whatsoever. we also still don’t really need wasted talent points to be spent on random crap like unleashed frenzy.


I really like the idea of a talent that increases RP cost/damage. I used to mess with the idea of an ability to replace frost strike for 2h that would just use RP to empower your next obliterate with some frost damage, but honestly I feel like filling in the downtime with a strike is more fun than that.

Kudos to the effort put into all your work!

I agree as long as baseline spells are buffed a lil bit, eg. Remorseless winter, Obliterate, Frostscyte, Rime procs. or what not. just so outside CD’s feel better, id worry a shorter breath means longer downtime between burst in mythic+… :frowning:

yeah. frost scythe is a major meme. it’d be a significant improvement if it costed 2 runes and did 100% more dmg.

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Frostscythe really did not get the attention that it deserves. I’m not a fan of Obliterate cleave at all and Frostscythe not being a key ability in 2H’s AoE feels like a missed opportunity. It really should be affected by the talents that affect Obliterate.

Very much agree, these kinds of maintenance buffs should last at least 8s IMO.

Personally I’m hoping for a redesign of this cooldown. Losing even a couple of globals due to external factors is very punishing to your damage. This is also a symptom of the absurd damage that KM Obliterates are doing now compared to the rest of the kit.

That’s not a bad idea. I was thinking it would be nice to give frost a rampage like ability that drains a large chunk of RP and also buffs the DK.


The unlikely and IMO best way to fix this would be to have Obliteration KM procs have a different buff from the auto attack crit KM buff. In Classic Wrath, you can stack Deathchill (2 min cd 100% crit on one spell) and a KM proc to double Frost Strike your enemy. The game would consume the KM proc before the Deathchill buff so it could potentially proc again.

Obliteration - I feel like changing Obliteration to make Obliterate always do pure Frost damage as a passive in addition to letting us stack up 2-3 Killing Machines would go a long way in helping the entire kit and removing the overly punishing play if you’re off by a few milliseconds or get popped with some kind of mechanic right as you pop Pillar. Also, its just stupid to see Obliterate hit for 15k damage and then see it crit for 120k with a couple procs + Pillar. Thats just an asinine difference in damage. 15k non crit damage is absolutely pathetic for a 2 rune ability. Like, why am I even pressing this without KM procced? Feels really bad. Clawing Shadows does more damage than a non KM Obliterate and it only costs 1 rune, pops a wound for an extra ~50% damage and can be used at range.

BoS - I think changing BoS into a RP dump 1 cast cleave with multiple charges that do more damage based on how much RP they use would get rid of the obnoxious requirement for you to be semi-omnipotent to use it to its potential. Would also go a long way in M+ so it could do good damage without chain pulling. Its current iteration of sustained damage is more up Unholy’s alley. Frost has always been the bursty spec.

Remorseless Winter - RW should apply Razorice. 18% Frost damage is too important behind a Runeforge or Avalanche procs. The entire spec is balanced with the idea that you’ll have that up 100% of the time. 2H can get screwed and have stacks fall off and then you’re sitting there wailing away for a minute before the stacks are back up. This would also help our dogwater AoE damage from our rotational abilities and alleviate some of our ramp up. Frost is bursty. Its all about damage now.

Glacial Advance - This should be fired off automatically with KM Obliterates.

Frostwyrms Fury - Straight up, this does pathetic damage for a 3 min CD ability. It should be 1min baseline with the Absolute Zero talent taking it down to 45 seconds.

Soul Reaper - Honestly this talent needs a complete redesign. It just doesn’t work with Frost’s kit whatsoever. Frost doesn’t synergize well with 1 rune abilities.


300% more if you want it to be good at 3 targets. More for 2h with MotFW. Thats the kind of buff it would need due to Frostreaper and cleaving strikes.

yeah it’s gonna need so much help.

I have seen many great ideas for a rework for this ability. My favorite so far is making it auto explode when the target reaches 10% hp and auto proc if the target is under 10% hp. This would help the ability in an execute phase in PvE and in PVP since we have 0 execute pressure.


it at the very least needs to be included in the list of abilities on the obliteration capstone talent.

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Forgot to include that, yes! That change alone may make it worth taking in some situations. No idea why it does not already.

they probably didn’t think to add it since it’s addition as a capstone was pretty recent and frost hasn’t had it in a couple of expansions.

If you consider dead talents as talents that have no synergy with each other, then you are correct.
But Frost DK has more dead talents (talents that serve the same as other talents but are weaker)
Frost scythe should increase his dps if he wants to compete with obliteration or simply Frostsyth should disappear because currently if you choose Frostsyth you are a troll because there is a combination of talents that do the same but better
Bonegrinder is a talent that since this bug came out, when I consume KM occasionally I don’t get a bonegrinder proc
It’s awkward and boring having to spend 3 talent points to improve the Winter Remorseless
there should be a talent that when i don’t have breath should increase my dps
Really the Frost DK with could gasp/wipe off has no dps
There should be a talent to use when I have breath/obliterate on cooldown so I don’t lose DPS and not rely so much on the skill cap you have to have to keep your breath
MOTFW should also boost damage from frost strike and frost scythe 30%

Lending support for this feedback.

There is a LOT of room for improvement with Frost.

Thinking about it, the Obliteration talent really shouldn’t be the capstone of the left side of the tree. It should be the center capstone as it fits the center talents more with Pillar interaction. This and that I don’t feel Absolute Zero and Frostwyrm’s Fury deserve their current locations. They should each be moved back 1 row each and Obliteration moved to be the center of the tree.

Left side should have a new capstone/ability that utilizes lots of runic power (say 80) for a big hit with a shortish cd, (like 15-20 seconds.) Something help use up the excessive amount of runic power the obliteration build generates and be worth using.

Also, talents like Improved Obliterate and Improved Rime make me sad. Please consider replacing them with something more meaningful then flat damage amps to specific abilities.

I find it odd that you can spec into Shattering Blade but also be able to not have any way to apply Razorice to targets. No Glacial Advance, no Avalanche, no Rune requirement.
Perhaps Razorice should be a talent as well as Rune on your weapon, and if you have both, they stack?